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Alica Miller, C. Money (2015)
Syndetic sensitivity in semiflowsTopology and its Applications, 196
Xiaoyi Wang, Yu Huang (2012)
Devaney's chaos revisitedarXiv: Dynamical Systems
M. Bernhard (1992)
Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems
J. Banks, Jeff Brooks, G. Cairns, G. Davis, P. Stacey (1992)
On Devaney's definition of chaosAmerican Mathematical Monthly, 99
Miller (2017)
On Various Conditions That Imply Sensitivity of Monoid ActionsReal analysis exchange, 42
We prove that a semiflow with an arbitrary acting abelian topological semigroup is Devaney chaotic if and only if it is nonminimal, indecomposable and has a dense set of periodic points. This generalizes a result of X. Wang and Y. Huang.
Semigroup Forum – Springer Journals
Published: Jun 21, 2017
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