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L. Karling, A. Lacerda, Filipe Alvarenga, R. Takemoto, G. Pavanelli (2013)
Endoparasites of Rhaphiodon vulpinus (Characiformes: Cynodontidae) and their relation to the standard length and sex of their hosts = Endoparasitos de Rhaphiodon vulpinus (Characiformes: Cynodontidae) e suas relações com o comprimento padrão e o sexo ...Bioscience Journal, 29
Structure of the helminth community of Megaleporinus obtusidens collected in Lake Guaíba was evaluated, and the results indicated that the diversity of helminth species was probably determined by fish behavior and eating habits. The influence of sex, weight, and standard length of hosts for parasitic indices was also analyzed. Sixteen helminth species were found parasitizing M. obtusidens, including the following: platyhelminths, with the highest richness, represented by one species of Aspidobothrea; four species of Digenea; and eight species of Monogenea; the latter, presented the highest prevalence. Rhinoxenus arietinus, found in nasal cavities, had the greater abundance, and was the only species classified as core. The prevalence of Urocleidoides paradoxus was significantly influenced by the sex of the host; females had the highest values. Abundance was weakly influenced by fish weight and the body length of the hosts. Urocleidoides sp. had its abundance weakly influenced by the host weight. The other helminths were not influenced by biometric characteristics of the hosts. The total species richness was similar between male and female fish, and both had 14 helminth species of parasites.
Parasitology Research – Springer Journals
Published: Jun 1, 2018
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