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Experimental study on the droplet formation around pins of different geometry for the design of a compact falling-droplet absorber

Experimental study on the droplet formation around pins of different geometry for the design of a... Absorber downsizing for the development of compact absorption chillers is a known challenge of this type of refrigerator. Past studies have revealed how a droplet flow regime can increase the interface area and enhance absorption rates, especially during the droplet formation. This study proposes a space-efficient design for an adiabatic absorber based on a bank of solid pins coupled with a droplet flow regime. Manufacturing through 3D printing technique is used to study the effect of different fin shapes during droplet formation. Droplet behavior is firstly studied analytically through a variational approach. Experiments on pure water are then carried out to validate the model and produce design guidelines for a H2O-LiBr absorber. Results show that the analytical model is more accurate in the regions close to the droplet bottom. The rhomboidal geometry with 120° returned the smallest droplet volume without allowing coalescence of more droplets, ensuring the maintenance of droplet flow and a high surface area for mass transfer. Disturbances in the droplet profiles were observed, caused by the pin-droplet interaction. A map has been then created to allow a quick sizing of the absorber and find its main geometrical and operational features. Heat and Mass Transfer Springer Journals

Experimental study on the droplet formation around pins of different geometry for the design of a compact falling-droplet absorber

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2018 by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature
Engineering; Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer; Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering; Thermodynamics
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See Article on Publisher Site


Absorber downsizing for the development of compact absorption chillers is a known challenge of this type of refrigerator. Past studies have revealed how a droplet flow regime can increase the interface area and enhance absorption rates, especially during the droplet formation. This study proposes a space-efficient design for an adiabatic absorber based on a bank of solid pins coupled with a droplet flow regime. Manufacturing through 3D printing technique is used to study the effect of different fin shapes during droplet formation. Droplet behavior is firstly studied analytically through a variational approach. Experiments on pure water are then carried out to validate the model and produce design guidelines for a H2O-LiBr absorber. Results show that the analytical model is more accurate in the regions close to the droplet bottom. The rhomboidal geometry with 120° returned the smallest droplet volume without allowing coalescence of more droplets, ensuring the maintenance of droplet flow and a high surface area for mass transfer. Disturbances in the droplet profiles were observed, caused by the pin-droplet interaction. A map has been then created to allow a quick sizing of the absorber and find its main geometrical and operational features.


Heat and Mass TransferSpringer Journals

Published: May 29, 2018

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