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I.N. Paskar’, S.V. Goryainova, S.V. Sanarov, A.D. Evtushenko (2016)
Prospects for the development of wind power in the decentralized settlements of the northern regions of Kuzbass, in Sb. mat. II Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konf. Energetika i energosberezhenie: teoriya i praktik, Kemerovo (Proceedings of the 2nd All-Russia Conference on Power Engineering and Energy Saving: Theory and Practice)
Ya. Khlyustova, E. Shutova, N. Podorvanyuk (2015), Dec.
V . V . Tarasova , Composite Reusable Heat - Storage Material
How did the climate conference end
Ispol'zovanie solnechnoi energii v poselkakh Kuzbassa, in Sb. mat. II Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konf. Energetika i energosberezhenie: teoriya i praktika, Kemerovo
I.N. Paskar’, S.V. Goryainova, S.V. Sanarov (2016)
Ispol’zovanie solnechnoi energii v poselkakh Kuzbassa, in Sb. mat. II Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konf. Energetika i energosberezhenie: teoriya i praktika, Kemerovo (Proceedings of the 2nd All-Russia Conference on Power Engineering and Energy Saving: Theory and Practice)
Heat-Drawing Solar Wind Power Tower
Federal Law on Energy Saving and on Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
A plant theoretically capable of generating a 24/7 continuous induced air stream and the concept of this plant are described, as well as its operational principle and materials from which the plant will be manufactured. Arguments in favor of the relevance of this plant are adduced.
Applied Solar Energy – Springer Journals
Published: May 29, 2018
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