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The Impact of Intensive Mindfulness Training on Attentional Control, Cognitive Style, and Affect

The Impact of Intensive Mindfulness Training on Attentional Control, Cognitive Style, and Affect To evaluate the impact of an intensive period of mindfulness meditation training on cognitive and affective function, a non-clinical group of 20 novice meditators were tested before and after participation in a 10-day intensive mindfulness meditation retreat. They were evaluated with self-report scales measuring mindfulness, rumination and affect, as well as performance tasks assessing working memory, sustained attention, and attention switching. Results indicated that those completing the mindfulness training demonstrated significant improvements in self-reported mindfulness, depressive symptoms, rumination, and performance measures of working memory and sustained attention, relative to a comparison group who did not undergo any meditation training. This study suggests future directions for the elucidation of the critical processes that underlie the therapeutic benefits of mindfulness-based interventions. Cognitive Therapy and Research Springer Journals

The Impact of Intensive Mindfulness Training on Attentional Control, Cognitive Style, and Affect

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2007 by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Medicine & Public Health; Cognitive Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Quality of Life Research
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To evaluate the impact of an intensive period of mindfulness meditation training on cognitive and affective function, a non-clinical group of 20 novice meditators were tested before and after participation in a 10-day intensive mindfulness meditation retreat. They were evaluated with self-report scales measuring mindfulness, rumination and affect, as well as performance tasks assessing working memory, sustained attention, and attention switching. Results indicated that those completing the mindfulness training demonstrated significant improvements in self-reported mindfulness, depressive symptoms, rumination, and performance measures of working memory and sustained attention, relative to a comparison group who did not undergo any meditation training. This study suggests future directions for the elucidation of the critical processes that underlie the therapeutic benefits of mindfulness-based interventions.


Cognitive Therapy and ResearchSpringer Journals

Published: Feb 23, 2007

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