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A Re-New-ed Paradigm in Successful Urban School LeadershipEducational Administration Quarterly, 48
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Teaching Black Girls: Resiliency in Urban Classrooms
Current research on African American education is saturated with studies on school failure (Collins 2003; Glasser 1969; Irvine 1990; Kozol 2005; MacLeod 1995; Neckerman 2007; Walker and Sprague 1999), rather than investigations that address the processes that mediate failure and create success (Bell 2001; Chenoweth 2007, 2009; Evans-Winters 2011; Hopkins 1997; King 2005; Perry et al. 2003; Wiggan 2008, 2014). Most of the existing research provides extensive critiques without exploring successful strategies that promote high-achievement among underserved student populations. Using a qualitative case study design, this research explores the perceptions and experiences of students and teachers at a high performing minority school. The findings reveal that the use of multicultural curriculum and anti-racism education had a positive impact on the social, cultural, and academic achievement of the students. The results of this study are particularly important given the existing research on African Americans and the critical needs in educational reform.
The Urban Review – Springer Journals
Published: Oct 21, 2016
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