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Recombinant alpha-amino ester acid hydrolase from Xanthomonas rubrilineans VKPM B-9915 is a highly efficient biocatalyst of cephalexin synthesis

Recombinant alpha-amino ester acid hydrolase from Xanthomonas rubrilineans VKPM B-9915 is a... Recombinant, as well as native alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase from Xanthomonas rubrilineans VKPM B-9915 (XrAEH, EC, was tested for synthesis of amino-beta-lactam antibiotic cephalexin. It was shown that the recombinant enzyme r-XrAEH produced by Escherichia coli VKPM B-11246 is more efficient in comparison with the native enzyme wt-XrAEH prepared from mutant strain Xanthomonas rubrilineans VKPM B-9915. When r-XrAEH was used as a biocatalyst, addition of ethylene glycol (33 vol %) to the reaction medium improved the yield from 70 to 95%. During synthesis of cephalexin under optimal conditions in the case of the native enzyme wt-XrAEH the cephalexin yield was 85%, in contrast to r-XrAEH where it was 95%. Furthermore, unlike native wt-XrAEH enzymes, preparations of recombinant r-XrAEH do not possess beta-lactamase side activity. Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin Springer Journals

Recombinant alpha-amino ester acid hydrolase from Xanthomonas rubrilineans VKPM B-9915 is a highly efficient biocatalyst of cephalexin synthesis

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2014 by Allerton Press, Inc.
Chemistry; Chemistry/Food Science, general
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Recombinant, as well as native alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase from Xanthomonas rubrilineans VKPM B-9915 (XrAEH, EC, was tested for synthesis of amino-beta-lactam antibiotic cephalexin. It was shown that the recombinant enzyme r-XrAEH produced by Escherichia coli VKPM B-11246 is more efficient in comparison with the native enzyme wt-XrAEH prepared from mutant strain Xanthomonas rubrilineans VKPM B-9915. When r-XrAEH was used as a biocatalyst, addition of ethylene glycol (33 vol %) to the reaction medium improved the yield from 70 to 95%. During synthesis of cephalexin under optimal conditions in the case of the native enzyme wt-XrAEH the cephalexin yield was 85%, in contrast to r-XrAEH where it was 95%. Furthermore, unlike native wt-XrAEH enzymes, preparations of recombinant r-XrAEH do not possess beta-lactamase side activity.


Moscow University Chemistry BulletinSpringer Journals

Published: May 31, 2014

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