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Rankings and operations for interval type-2 fuzzy numbers: a review and some new methods

Rankings and operations for interval type-2 fuzzy numbers: a review and some new methods Interval type-2 fuzzy numbers (IT2FNs) are a particular kind of type-2 fuzzy numbers (T2FNs). In most scientific works, since arithmetic operations required IT2FNs are simpler than those of T2FNs, mathematical calculations on IT2FNs are used more frequently rather than the T2FNs. Hence, in recent decades, the study on IT2FNs have been intensified significantly. These numbers can be explained by trapezoidal and triangular forms. In this article, first, the concept of general interval type-2 trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (GIT2TrFNs) and then arithmetic operations among them are introduced. Next, three new ranking methods are suggested for GIT2TrFN. Finally, several examples are used to illustrate and compare new ranking methods with others. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing Springer Journals

Rankings and operations for interval type-2 fuzzy numbers: a review and some new methods

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2018 by Korean Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics
Mathematics; Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis; Mathematical and Computational Engineering; Theory of Computation; Mathematics of Computing
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Interval type-2 fuzzy numbers (IT2FNs) are a particular kind of type-2 fuzzy numbers (T2FNs). In most scientific works, since arithmetic operations required IT2FNs are simpler than those of T2FNs, mathematical calculations on IT2FNs are used more frequently rather than the T2FNs. Hence, in recent decades, the study on IT2FNs have been intensified significantly. These numbers can be explained by trapezoidal and triangular forms. In this article, first, the concept of general interval type-2 trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (GIT2TrFNs) and then arithmetic operations among them are introduced. Next, three new ranking methods are suggested for GIT2TrFN. Finally, several examples are used to illustrate and compare new ranking methods with others.


Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputingSpringer Journals

Published: May 31, 2018

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