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Three-dimensional poroelastic hydraulic fracture simulation using the displacement discontinuity method
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With the increasing wide use of hydraulic fractures in the petroleum industry, it is essential to accurately predict the behavior of fractures based on the understanding of fundamental mechanisms governing the process. For effective reservoir exploration and development, hydraulic fracture pattern, geometry and associated dimensions are critical in determining well stimulation efficiency. In shale formations, non-planar, complex hydraulic fractures are often observed, due to the activation of preexisting natural fractures and the interaction between multiple, simultaneously propagating hydraulic fractures. The propagation of turning non-planar fractures due to the interference of nearby producing wells has also been reported. Current numerical simulation of hydraulic fracturing generally assumes planar crack geometry and weak coupling behavior, which severely limits the applicability of these methods in predicting fracture propagation under complex subsurface conditions. In addition, the prevailing approach for hydraulic fracture modeling also relies on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) by assuming the rock behaves purely elastically until complete failure. LEFM can predict hard rock hydraulic fracturing processes reasonably, but often fails to give accurate predictions of fracture geometry and propagation pressure in ductile and quasi-brittle rocks, such as poorly consolidated/unconsolidated sands and ductile shales, even in the form of simple planar geometry. In this study, we present a fully coupled poro-elasto-plastic model for hydraulic fracture propagation based on the theories of extend finite element, cohesive zone method and Mohr–Coulomb plasticity, which is able to capture complex hydraulic fracture geometry and plastic deformations in reservoir rocks explicitly. To illustrate the capabilities of the model, example simulations are presented including ones involving simultaneously propagating multiple hydraulic fractures and producing well interference. The results indicate that both stress shadow effects and producing well interference can alter hydraulic fracture propagation behavior substantially, and shear failure in ductile reservoir rocks can indeed make a significant difference in fracturing pressure and final fracture geometry.
Acta Mechanica – Springer Journals
Published: Sep 29, 2015
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