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Impact of contrast-enhanced computed tomography colonography on laparoscopic surgical planning of colorectal cancer

Impact of contrast-enhanced computed tomography colonography on laparoscopic surgical planning of... 100 %, 100 %,83 %, 100 %, and 97 %. There were no Aim: To evaluate the impact of contrast-enhanced complications associated with CE-CTC. computed tomography colonography (CE-CTC) on lap- Conclusion: Information given by CE-CTC concerning aroscopic surgery planning in patient with stenosing colorectal cancer location and synchronous colonic can- colorectal cancer. cers and polyps changed the laparoscopic surgical strategy Materials and methods: Sixty-nine patients with endo- in almost 14 % of patients. scopically proven colorectal cancer underwent CE-CTC, after incomplete conventional colonoscopy. Two experi- Key words: Colon cancer—Rectal cancer—Computed enced radiologists evaluated site, length, and TNM tomography—Contrast-enhanced CT—CT staging of colorectal cancers on three-dimensional dou- colonography—Laparoscopic colorectal surgery ble contrast enema-like views, 2D axial and multiplanar reconstructions. All the patients underwent colorectal resection and surgery bulletin, pathology of surgical Colorectal carcinoma is a significant cause of death from specimens, and radiological follow-up at about 8 months cancer in the world, and early detection and treatment are were used as reference standard. critical. The only cure for colorectal cancer is surgery, Results: The detection rate of colorectal cancer was 100 % which may or may not be combined with chemotherapy (75/75); CE-CTC allowed for a diagnosis of a synchronous Abdominal Radiology Springer Journals

Impact of contrast-enhanced computed tomography colonography on laparoscopic surgical planning of colorectal cancer

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2013 by Springer Science+Business Media New York
Medicine & Public Health; Imaging / Radiology; Gastroenterology; Hepatology
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100 %, 100 %,83 %, 100 %, and 97 %. There were no Aim: To evaluate the impact of contrast-enhanced complications associated with CE-CTC. computed tomography colonography (CE-CTC) on lap- Conclusion: Information given by CE-CTC concerning aroscopic surgery planning in patient with stenosing colorectal cancer location and synchronous colonic can- colorectal cancer. cers and polyps changed the laparoscopic surgical strategy Materials and methods: Sixty-nine patients with endo- in almost 14 % of patients. scopically proven colorectal cancer underwent CE-CTC, after incomplete conventional colonoscopy. Two experi- Key words: Colon cancer—Rectal cancer—Computed enced radiologists evaluated site, length, and TNM tomography—Contrast-enhanced CT—CT staging of colorectal cancers on three-dimensional dou- colonography—Laparoscopic colorectal surgery ble contrast enema-like views, 2D axial and multiplanar reconstructions. All the patients underwent colorectal resection and surgery bulletin, pathology of surgical Colorectal carcinoma is a significant cause of death from specimens, and radiological follow-up at about 8 months cancer in the world, and early detection and treatment are were used as reference standard. critical. The only cure for colorectal cancer is surgery, Results: The detection rate of colorectal cancer was 100 % which may or may not be combined with chemotherapy (75/75); CE-CTC allowed for a diagnosis of a synchronous


Abdominal RadiologySpringer Journals

Published: Mar 20, 2013

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