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The objective of this work is to study the differences in health related behavior, habits and preventive health care attendance between women living in rural areas and their metropolitan counterparts in Spain. We analyzed health related behavior (such as leisure time physical activity, smoking, alcohol use and other health related dietary patterns) and preventive medical attendance (gynecological attendance, mammography frequency, flu vaccinations, cholesterol and blood pressure checks) in a total of 17,833 women older than 16 from the Spanish National Health Survey 2006. A multinomial logistic regression model was employed to compare groups (adjusted for age and social class). The main findings of this study is that the likelihood of receiving and attending to preventive public health care services was significantly lower for women in medium-sized urban or rural and remote locations than those living in metropolitan areas, as well as differences in health-related lifestyle behaviours.
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health – Springer Journals
Published: Sep 22, 2013
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