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Energy policy

Energy policy Nature Vol. 272 27 April 1978 Book Review Supplement 783 had been widely expected; with a different programme in current prices, such as develop a long-term strategy without development policy this would presum­ Professor David Henderson has pub­ taking far more account of the ways in ably have been raised. He says of the lished. which fuel energy is used, and of the UKAEA's 1957-58 plan drawn up by a I have concentrated on illustrating policy measures which affect its use. group with a former Treasury planner as features of the book which in my view Recent work in the UK and elsewhere chairman, which concentrated develop­ limit its value in analysing the problems of has begun to build a data base about the ment on the advanced gas-cooled reactor organisation and Ministerial intervention use of energy-domestic, commercial, with the steam-generating heavy water and assessing the gains so far from industrial, transport; about the tem­ reactor as a reserve, and ended work on nuclear programmes. I would add in perature spectrum of energy require­ the pressurized water reactor, that it was conclusion that I have found it attractive, ments; about the time variations of uses; "well planned to make Nature Springer Journals

Energy policy

Nature , Volume 272 (5656) – Apr 1, 1978

Energy policy


Nature Vol. 272 27 April 1978 Book Review Supplement 783 had been widely expected; with a different programme in current prices, such as develop a long-term strategy without development policy this would presum­ Professor David Henderson has pub­ taking far more account of the ways in ably have been raised. He says of the lished. which fuel energy is used, and of the UKAEA's 1957-58 plan drawn up by a I have concentrated on illustrating policy measures which affect its use. group...
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Copyright © 1978 by Nature Publishing Group
Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary; Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary; Science, multidisciplinary
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Nature Vol. 272 27 April 1978 Book Review Supplement 783 had been widely expected; with a different programme in current prices, such as develop a long-term strategy without development policy this would presum­ Professor David Henderson has pub­ taking far more account of the ways in ably have been raised. He says of the lished. which fuel energy is used, and of the UKAEA's 1957-58 plan drawn up by a I have concentrated on illustrating policy measures which affect its use. group with a former Treasury planner as features of the book which in my view Recent work in the UK and elsewhere chairman, which concentrated develop­ limit its value in analysing the problems of has begun to build a data base about the ment on the advanced gas-cooled reactor organisation and Ministerial intervention use of energy-domestic, commercial, with the steam-generating heavy water and assessing the gains so far from industrial, transport; about the tem­ reactor as a reserve, and ended work on nuclear programmes. I would add in perature spectrum of energy require­ the pressurized water reactor, that it was conclusion that I have found it attractive, ments; about the time variations of uses; "well planned to make


NatureSpringer Journals

Published: Apr 1, 1978

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