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Zadovoljstvo in zvestoba uporabnikov bančnih storitev
Financial Services for Small Business: Taming the SME Market
F. Bingham (1997)
Business Marketing Management
A. Soteriou, S. Zenios (1997)
Efficiency, Profitability and Quality of Banking Services
Contemporary Marketing Plus
Merila in postopki za odobravanje naložb . Interno gradivo Nove Ljubljanske banke d . d . , 1995 . 385 str . 9 . Nova Ljubljanska banka d . d . , Predstavitev ponudbe za podjetja
Gilbert Churchill, Tom Brown (2007)
Basic Marketing Research -6/E.
Bonitete poslovanja za vsa slovenska podjetja 1995-2002
Eastern European Banking Matures
Šega Polona: Prihodnji razvoj slovenskih bank
Success in SME Banking: Leveraging Global Best Practice to Grow Profitability
Ponudba na strani financiranja: • kreditne linije (se lahko naročijo tudi po telefonu ali prek čeka
A. Griffin, G. Gleason, Rick Preiss, Dave Shevenaugh (1995)
Best Practice for Customer Satisfaction in Manufacturing FirmsSloan Management Review, 36
potrdilo o vlogi (časovno določena potreba po varčevanju, investicijska možnost nizkega tveganja)
Sektor za upravljanje s tveganji
Marketing Management – Trženjsko upravljanje
Diplomsko delo, Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta
Trženje bančnih produktov in tržne strategije bank
000 USD) 2. kreditne linije, 3. namenski krediti (nakup nove, rabljene opreme, prenova poslovnih prostorov, financiranje gradnje
Premium Business Checking): za podjetja z majhno ali veliko ravnjo transakcij in velikim nivojem depozitov, zaračunavanje mesečnega nadomestila, nizka provizija za opravljene transakcije
P. Cherington (2008)
The Elements of Marketing
• Možnosti varčevanja: 1. varčevalni račun, 2. račun denarnega trga (ugodne obresti za različne range zneskov; nad 1.000 USD -Business Money Market
Principles of Servise Marketing
Startegic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
Plačilne kartice: • Business Secured MasterCard (kreditna linija od 1.000 do 100.000 USD, kartica je zavarovana z depozitom
M. Hutt, T. Speh (2004)
Business marketing management : a strategic view of industrial and organizational markets
Hazabent Andrej: Corporate banking. Interno gradivo
Marketing Research. Eaglewood Cliffs
• Plačilne kartice: 1. US Bank Visa Business Card, 2. US Bank Visa Business Travel Card
The Winning Performance: How America’s High Growth Companies Succeed
Agencija Republike Slovenije za javnopravne evidence in storitve
Trženje bančnih storitev
P. Fifield, K. Lewis (1996)
International Marketing Strategy
Barney Raffield, F. Bingham (1990)
Business to Business Marketing Management
Predstavitev ponudbe za velika podjetja
Express krediti za nakupe proizvodne opreme (do 50.000 USD), • subvencionirani krediti (s strani države), • krediti za kmetovalce, • financiranje na podlagi terjatev
Elektronska banka, ki omogoča osebno poslovanje in poslovanje podjetja preko ene spletne banke
Y. Wind, Richard Cardozo (1974)
Industrial market segmentationIndustrial Marketing Management, 3
[When I hear businessmen speak eloquently about the “social responsibilities of business in a free-enterprise system”, I am reminded of the wonderful line about the Frenchman who discovered at the age of 70 that he had been speaking prose all his life. The businessmen believe that they are defending free enterprise when they declaim that business is not concerned “merely” with profit but also with promoting desirable “social” ends; that business has a “social conscience” and takes seriously its responsibilities for providing employment, eliminating discrimination, avoiding pollution and whatever else may be the catchwords of the contemporary crop of reformers. In fact they are — or would be if they or anyone else took them seriously -preaching pure and unadulterated socialism. Businessmen who talk this way are unwitting puppets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the basis of a free society these past decades.]
Published: Jan 1, 2007
Keywords: Social Responsibility; Corporate Executive; Free Society; Union Official; Individual Proprietor
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