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Cooperative Strategies in International Business

Cooperative Strategies in International Business STUDIES, SECOND QUARTER1990 332 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONALBUSINESS Strategies in Intemational Business Cooperative Lorange(eds.) by FarokJ. Contractorand Peter Books, 1988 Lexington,Mass.: lexington Reviewedby JohnW. Clarry StateUniversity of New York-Geneseo to be the latest buzzwordsfor Joint venturesand strategicalliancesseem joint venturesformedwith local firms internationalbusiness.Besidesthe alli- for host marketaccess, many multinationalfirms are now entering economy. ances with their rivalsto competemore effectivelyin a global jointlyorgan- Thesecooperative trendswereaddressed in a 1986conference Contractor- ized by the WhartonSchool and RutgersUniversity,and the excellentpaperspresented. Lorangevolumeis an editedcollection of the with the usual Thereare twenty-eightarticlesincludedin this collection, several variationin focus and subjectof conferencepapers.Part I offers agree- conceptualframeworks; Part II comparesthe trendsin cooperative ments and ownershippatterns;PartIII looks at the structureand perfor- outcomes of joint ventures(JVs);Part IV examinesmanagerial mance of cooperation;PartsV and VI focus on cooperativearrangements issues and with Japanesepartners.Thereare some over- in developingcountries and a few articles do not fit the sequence.The laps between sections, a brief introductionand summaryof salient issues, but editorsprovide in is too muchdiversityand breadthto accommodate a shortreview. there their The conceptualframeworks offeredin PartI areall usefulin multiple own to emphasizemotivesandaspectsof cooperationin international right of also could be used to examine domestic instances business. They since an international context is not always explicit. cooperation, the genericquestion of why firms Journal of International Business Studies Springer Journals

Cooperative Strategies in International Business

Journal of International Business Studies , Volume 21 (2): 6 – Jun 1, 1990

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1990 Academy of International Business
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STUDIES, SECOND QUARTER1990 332 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONALBUSINESS Strategies in Intemational Business Cooperative Lorange(eds.) by FarokJ. Contractorand Peter Books, 1988 Lexington,Mass.: lexington Reviewedby JohnW. Clarry StateUniversity of New York-Geneseo to be the latest buzzwordsfor Joint venturesand strategicalliancesseem joint venturesformedwith local firms internationalbusiness.Besidesthe alli- for host marketaccess, many multinationalfirms are now entering economy. ances with their rivalsto competemore effectivelyin a global jointlyorgan- Thesecooperative trendswereaddressed in a 1986conference Contractor- ized by the WhartonSchool and RutgersUniversity,and the excellentpaperspresented. Lorangevolumeis an editedcollection of the with the usual Thereare twenty-eightarticlesincludedin this collection, several variationin focus and subjectof conferencepapers.Part I offers agree- conceptualframeworks; Part II comparesthe trendsin cooperative ments and ownershippatterns;PartIII looks at the structureand perfor- outcomes of joint ventures(JVs);Part IV examinesmanagerial mance of cooperation;PartsV and VI focus on cooperativearrangements issues and with Japanesepartners.Thereare some over- in developingcountries and a few articles do not fit the sequence.The laps between sections, a brief introductionand summaryof salient issues, but editorsprovide in is too muchdiversityand breadthto accommodate a shortreview. there their The conceptualframeworks offeredin PartI areall usefulin multiple own to emphasizemotivesandaspectsof cooperationin international right of also could be used to examine domestic instances business. They since an international context is not always explicit. cooperation, the genericquestion of why firms


Journal of International Business StudiesSpringer Journals

Published: Jun 1, 1990

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