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A convergent monotone difference scheme for motion of level sets by mean curvature

A convergent monotone difference scheme for motion of level sets by mean curvature An explicit convergent finite difference scheme for motion of level sets by mean curvature is presented. The scheme is defined on a cartesian grid, using neighbors arranged approximately in a circle. The accuracy of the scheme, which depends on the radius of the circle, dx, and on the angular resolution, d θ, is formally O(dx 2+d θ). The scheme is explicit and nonlinear: the update involves computing the median of the values at the neighboring grid points. Numerical results suggest that despite the low accuracy, acceptable results are achieved for small stencil sizes. A numerical example is presented which shows that the centered difference scheme is non-convergent. Numerische Mathematik Springer Journals

A convergent monotone difference scheme for motion of level sets by mean curvature

Numerische Mathematik , Volume 99 (2) – Nov 5, 2004

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Springer Journals
Copyright © 2004 by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Mathematics; Numerical Analysis; Mathematics, general; Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics; Mathematical Methods in Physics; Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation; Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering
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An explicit convergent finite difference scheme for motion of level sets by mean curvature is presented. The scheme is defined on a cartesian grid, using neighbors arranged approximately in a circle. The accuracy of the scheme, which depends on the radius of the circle, dx, and on the angular resolution, d θ, is formally O(dx 2+d θ). The scheme is explicit and nonlinear: the update involves computing the median of the values at the neighboring grid points. Numerical results suggest that despite the low accuracy, acceptable results are achieved for small stencil sizes. A numerical example is presented which shows that the centered difference scheme is non-convergent.


Numerische MathematikSpringer Journals

Published: Nov 5, 2004

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