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What Happens after Special Education: A Statewide Follow-up Study of Secondary Students who have Behavioral Disorders

What Happens after Special Education: A Statewide Follow-up Study of Secondary Students who have... Recently there have been several follow-up studies of students who have exited special education programs (Hasazi, Gordon, & Roe, 1985; Mithaug, Horiuchi, & Fanning, 1985). These studies raise an interesting question: How well have special education programs prepared the youth they were designed to serve? This study reviews findings concerning the postschool adjustment of 160 students who were labeled behaviorally disordered at graduation from public school in the state of Washington between 1978 and 1986. Behavioral Disorders SAGE

What Happens after Special Education: A Statewide Follow-up Study of Secondary Students who have Behavioral Disorders

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© 1988 Hammill Institute on Disabilities
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Recently there have been several follow-up studies of students who have exited special education programs (Hasazi, Gordon, & Roe, 1985; Mithaug, Horiuchi, & Fanning, 1985). These studies raise an interesting question: How well have special education programs prepared the youth they were designed to serve? This study reviews findings concerning the postschool adjustment of 160 students who were labeled behaviorally disordered at graduation from public school in the state of Washington between 1978 and 1986.


Behavioral DisordersSAGE

Published: May 1, 1988

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