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The Soul of a Stranger: Italy, America, and Italian American Protestants

The Soul of a Stranger: Italy, America, and Italian American Protestants This essay discusses the complex history of Italian American Protestants, especially during the peak years of immigration. Through the use of a wide variety of sources including spiritual autobiographies, archival material, and Italian American fiction, I argue that Protestantism became a means to negotiate old world and new world ways more than it resulted in the double alienation of rejection by Catholic immigrants and condescension by Anglo-Protestants. Italian American Protestants retained a sense of Italianita at the same time that they became American. Forum Italicum : A Journal of Italian Studies SAGE

The Soul of a Stranger: Italy, America, and Italian American Protestants

Forum Italicum : A Journal of Italian Studies , Volume 44 (1): 20 – Mar 1, 2010

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© 2010 Forum Italicum
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This essay discusses the complex history of Italian American Protestants, especially during the peak years of immigration. Through the use of a wide variety of sources including spiritual autobiographies, archival material, and Italian American fiction, I argue that Protestantism became a means to negotiate old world and new world ways more than it resulted in the double alienation of rejection by Catholic immigrants and condescension by Anglo-Protestants. Italian American Protestants retained a sense of Italianita at the same time that they became American.


Forum Italicum : A Journal of Italian StudiesSAGE

Published: Mar 1, 2010

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