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The OECD and Ghg Mitigation: A Policy Perspective

The OECD and Ghg Mitigation: A Policy Perspective THE OECD A ND G HG M ITIGAT ION: A P OLICY P ERSPECTIVE by J an Co rfee Mo rlot – OECD Environment Direc torate (email: ja n.corfee-morlot@oec ) Recent co nclusions fro m the sci entific co mmunity h ighlight th e n eed fo r n ear t erm international an d n ational p olicy to a ddress t he l ong-term ris ks ass ociated wi th g lobal climate ch ange. As a b ackdrop t o a policy d iscussion, i t is u seful t o first c onsider a fe w of t he m ain c onclusio ns f rom the T hird A ssessment R eport f rom the Intergovernmental Pa nel o n C limate C hange (IPC C ); t hese a re s traightforward an d sobering an d y et al so o ptimistic. Th ey are s traightforward be cause th ey l ink h uman activities t o o bserved g lobal warmi ng o ver th e p ast fift y y ears. T hey are so bering because t hey co nclude th at c urrent em ission t Energy & Environment SAGE

The OECD and Ghg Mitigation: A Policy Perspective

Energy & Environment , Volume 12 (2-3): 10 – Mar 1, 2001

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THE OECD A ND G HG M ITIGAT ION: A P OLICY P ERSPECTIVE by J an Co rfee Mo rlot – OECD Environment Direc torate (email: ja n.corfee-morlot@oec ) Recent co nclusions fro m the sci entific co mmunity h ighlight th e n eed fo r n ear t erm international an d n ational p olicy to a ddress t he l ong-term ris ks ass ociated wi th g lobal climate ch ange. As a b ackdrop t o a policy d iscussion, i t is u seful t o first c onsider a fe w of t he m ain c onclusio ns f rom the T hird A ssessment R eport f rom the Intergovernmental Pa nel o n C limate C hange (IPC C ); t hese a re s traightforward an d sobering an d y et al so o ptimistic. Th ey are s traightforward be cause th ey l ink h uman activities t o o bserved g lobal warmi ng o ver th e p ast fift y y ears. T hey are so bering because t hey co nclude th at c urrent em ission t


Energy & EnvironmentSAGE

Published: Mar 1, 2001

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