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J. Reilly, M. Mayer, J. Harnisch (2002)
The Kyoto Protocol and non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases and Carbon SinksEnvironmental Modeling & Assessment, 7
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Climate change 2001 : the scientific basisForeign Affairs, 81
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Emission Trading Restrictions with Endogenous Technological ChangeInternational Environmental Agreements, 1
Jean-Marc Burniaux (2000)
A Multi-Gas Assessment of the Kyoto Protocol
James McCarthi, O. Canziani, N. Leary, D. Dokken, K. White (2001)
Climate change 2001
J. Reilly, R. Prinn, J. Harnisch, J. Fitzmaurice, H. Jacoby, D. Kicklighter, J. Melillo, P. Stone, A. Sokolov, C. Wang (1999)
Multi-gas assessment of the Kyoto ProtocolNature, 401
THE OECD A ND G HG M ITIGAT ION: A P OLICY P ERSPECTIVE by J an Co rfee Mo rlot – OECD Environment Direc torate (email: ja n.corfee-morlot@oec ) Recent co nclusions fro m the sci entific co mmunity h ighlight th e n eed fo r n ear t erm international an d n ational p olicy to a ddress t he l ong-term ris ks ass ociated wi th g lobal climate ch ange. As a b ackdrop t o a policy d iscussion, i t is u seful t o first c onsider a fe w of t he m ain c onclusio ns f rom the T hird A ssessment R eport f rom the Intergovernmental Pa nel o n C limate C hange (IPC C ); t hese a re s traightforward an d sobering an d y et al so o ptimistic. Th ey are s traightforward be cause th ey l ink h uman activities t o o bserved g lobal warmi ng o ver th e p ast fift y y ears. T hey are so bering because t hey co nclude th at c urrent em ission t
Energy & Environment – SAGE
Published: Mar 1, 2001
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