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Being an Early-Career CMS Academic in the Context of Insecurity and ‘Excellence’: The Dialectics of Resistance and ComplianceOrganization Studies, 38
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Towards a Performative Theory of Resistance: Senior Managers and Revolting Subject(ivitie)sOrganization Studies, 38
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Insurgent encounters
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Resistance Through Compliance: The Strategic and Subversive Potential of Frontstage and Backstage ResistanceOrganization Studies, 38
Resistance studies: A note, a hope
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Resistance to Change: The Rest of the StoryAcademy of Management Review, 33
Why infrapolitics matter
The last 15 years have witnessed renewed interest in resistance in and around organizations. In this essay, we offer a conceptual framework to thematize this burgeoning conceptual and empirical terrain. We critically explore scholarship that examines resistance in terms of its manifestations and political intent or impact. We offer four fields of possibility for resistance scholarship: individual infrapolitics, collective infrapolitics, insubordination, and insurrection (the “four I’s” of resistance). We conclude by considering the relationship between resistance theory and praxis, and pose four questions, or provocations, for stimulating future resistance research and practice.
Organization Studies: An international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the Studies of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies – SAGE
Published: Sep 1, 2017
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