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Promoting Social Competence and Peer Relationships for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Promoting Social Competence and Peer Relationships for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders This article addresses some of the key considerations and complexities associated with intervening to address social competence and peer relationships of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in middle and high school settings. First, we provide a brief overview of the social context during adolescence for all students. Next, we highlight particular challenges for adolescents with ASD. Then, we discuss potential school-based intervention pathways that appear particularly responsive to these contexts and challenges. Finally, we offer several recommendations for research and practice aimed at improving the social competence and connections of young people with ASD—during high school and into early adulthood. Remedial and Special Education SAGE

Promoting Social Competence and Peer Relationships for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders

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© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2013
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This article addresses some of the key considerations and complexities associated with intervening to address social competence and peer relationships of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in middle and high school settings. First, we provide a brief overview of the social context during adolescence for all students. Next, we highlight particular challenges for adolescents with ASD. Then, we discuss potential school-based intervention pathways that appear particularly responsive to these contexts and challenges. Finally, we offer several recommendations for research and practice aimed at improving the social competence and connections of young people with ASD—during high school and into early adulthood.


Remedial and Special EducationSAGE

Published: Mar 1, 2014

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