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Nirmalya Kumar, L. Scheer, J. Steenkamp (1995)
The Effects of Supplier Fairness on Vulnerable ResellersJournal of Marketing Research, 32
R. Morgan, S. Hunt (1994)
The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship MarketingJournal of Marketing, 58
A. Buvik, G. John (2000)
When Does Vertical Coordination Improve Industrial Purchasing Relationships?Journal of Marketing, 64
We frequently evaluate and, if needed, update information about the relationship stored in our electronic databases
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Effects of Supplier Market Orientation on Distributor Market Orientation and the Channel Relationship: The Distributor PerspectiveJournal of Marketing, 62
Peter Gorringe (1987)
The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets and Relational Contracting by Oliver E. WilliamsonAustralian Journal of Management, 12
Gilbert Churchill (1979)
A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing ConstructsJournal of Marketing Research, 16
In the relationship, we frequently adjust our common understanding of trends in technology related to our business
Jan Heide (1994)
Interorganizational Governance in Marketing ChannelsJournal of Marketing, 58
Jan Heide, Rodney Stump (1995)
Performance implications of buyer-supplier relationships in industrial markets: A transaction cost explanationJournal of Business Research, 32
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H. Håkansson, J. Johanson (1988)
Formal and Informal Cooperation Strategies in International Industrial Networks
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Market Orientation: Antecedents and ConsequencesJournal of Marketing, 57
L. Metcalf, C. Frear, R. Krishnan (1992)
Buyer‐Seller Relationships: An Application of the IMP Interaction ModelEuropean Journal of Marketing, 26
James Anderson, D. Gerbing (1988)
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The Price Knowledge and Search of Supermarket ShoppersJournal of Marketing, 54
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Do Norms Matter in Marketing Relationships?Journal of Marketing, 56
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Interfirm Adaptation in Business RelationshipsJournal of Marketing, 55
We have a lot of face-to-face communication in this relationship
Sandy Jap (2001)
“Pie Sharing” in Complex Collaboration ContextsJournal of Marketing Research, 38
G. Huber (1991)
Organizational Learning: The Contributing Processes and the LiteraturesOrganization Science, 2
James Sinkula (1994)
Market Information Processing and Organizational LearningJournal of Marketing, 58
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It is common to establish joint teams to analyze and discuss strategic issues
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Assessing Measurement Error in Key Informant Reports: A Methodological Note on Organizational Analysis in MarketingJournal of Marketing Research, 18
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In the relationship, we frequently evaluate and, if needed, adjust our routines in order-delivery processes
Kasturi Rangan (1992)
Channel Selection for New Industrial Products: A Framework, Method, and ApplicationJournal of Marketing, 56
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G. John, T. Reve (1982)
The Reliability and Validity of Key Informant Data from Dyadic Relationships in Marketing ChannelsJournal of Marketing Research, 19
R. Goodstein (1994)
UPC Scanner Pricing Systems: Are They Accurate?Journal of Marketing, 58
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Conventional wisdom on measurement: A structural equation perspective.Psychological Bulletin, 110
D. Rousseau, S. Sitkin, R. Burt, Colin Camerer (1998)
Not So Different After All: A Cross-Discipline View Of TrustAcademy of Management Review, 23
Robert Ruekert, O. Walker (1987)
Marketing's Interaction with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical EvidenceJournal of Marketing, 51
Our companies exchange information that is sensitive for both parties, such as financial performance and company know-how
R. Rust, Chol Lee, Ernest Valente (1995)
Comparing covariance structure models: A general methodologyInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, 12
Gareth Jones, J. George (1998)
The experience and evolution of trust: Implications for cooperation and teamworkAcademy of Management Review, 23
Nirmalya Kumar, L. Stern, R. Achrol (1992)
Assessing Reseller Performance from the Perspective of the SupplierJournal of Marketing Research, 29
C. Oliver (1990)
Determinants of Interorganizational Relationships: Integration and Future DirectionsAcademy of Management Review, 15
B. Lukas, G. Hult, O. Ferrell (1996)
A theoretical perspective of the antecedents and consequences of organizational learning in marketing channelsJournal of Business Research, 36
E. Hippel (1994)
Sticky Information and the Locus of Problem Solving: Implications for InnovationManagement Science, 40
K. Grayson, T. Ambler (1999)
The Dark Side of Long-Term Relationships in Marketing ServicesJournal of Marketing Research, 36
A. Ven (1976)
On the Nature, Formation, and Maintenance of Relations Among OrganizationsAcademy of Management Review, 1
Jeffrey Dyer, Harbir Singh (1998)
The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganizational Competitive AdvantageAcademy of Management Review, 23
The atmosphere in the relationship stimulates productive discussion encompassing a variety of opinions
R. Mudambi, Susan Mudambi (1995)
From transaction cost economics to relationship marketing: a model of buyer-supplier relationsInternational Business Review, 4
G. Day (1994)
The Capabilities of Market-Driven OrganizationsJournal of Marketing, 58
J. Smith, D. Barclay (1997)
The Effects of Organizational Differences and Trust on the Effectiveness of Selling Partner RelationshipsJournal of Marketing, 61
M. Dodgson (1993)
Learning, Trust, and Technological CollaborationHuman Relations, 46
P. Ring, A. Ven (1994)
Developmental Processes of Cooperative Interorganizational RelationshipsAcademy of Management Review, 19
Harald Biong, F. Selnes (1997)
The Strategic Role of the Salesperson in Established Buyer-Seller RelationshipsJournal of Business-to-business Marketing, 3
Jan Heide, G. John (1990)
Joseph Cannon, W. Perreault (1999)
Buyer–Seller Relationships in Business MarketsJournal of Marketing Research, 36
T. Clark, S. Levy (1998)
Book Review: The Enjoyment of Reading BooksJournal of Marketing, 62
We frequently meet face-to-face in order to refresh the personal network in this relationship
Donald Hatfield, J. Liebeskind, T. Opler (1996)
Customer Visits: Building a Better Customer Focus
Robert Dwyer, P. Schurr, Sejo Oh (1987)
Developing Buyer-Seller RelationshipsJournal of Marketing, 51
Our companies exchange information on successful and unsuccessful experiences with products exchanged in the relationship
W. Baker, James Sinkula (1999)
The synergistic effect of market orientation and learning orientation on organizational performanceJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27
H. Håkansson, I. Snehota (1995)
Developing relationships in business networks
C. Moorman, Anne Miner (1997)
The Impact of Organizational Memory on New Product Performance and CreativityJournal of Marketing Research, 34
Manohar Kalwani, N. Narayandas (1995)
Long-Term Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships: Do They Pay off for Supplier Firms?Journal of Marketing, 59
K. Bollen, J. Long (1992)
Tests for Structural Equation ModelsSociological Methods & Research, 21
T. Noordewier, G. John, J. Nevin (1990)
Performance Outcomes of Purchasing Arrangements in Industrial Buyer-Vendor RelationshipsJournal of Marketing, 54
James Anderson, James Narus (1990)
A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working PartnershipsJournal of Marketing, 54
G. Hamel (1991)
Competition for competence and interpartner learning within international strategic alliancesSouthern Medical Journal, 12
Robert May (1981)
The evolution of cooperationNature, 292
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S. Hunt, R. Morgan (1995)
The Comparative Advantage Theory of CompetitionJournal of Marketing, 59
John Narver, S. Slater (1990)
The Effect of a Market Orientation on Business ProfitabilityJournal of Marketing, 54
C. Fornell, D. Larcker (1981)
Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error.Journal of Marketing Research, 18
V. Mahajan, E. Muller, F. Bass (1990)
New Product Diffusion Models in Marketing: A Review and Directions for Research:Journal of Marketing, 54
Michael Johnson, F. Selnes (2004)
Customer Portfolio Management: Toward a Dynamic Theory of Exchange RelationshipsJournal of Marketing, 68
S. Jayachandran, Subhash Sharma, Peter Kaufman, Pushkala Raman (2005)
The Role of Relational Information Processes and Technology Use in Customer Relationship ManagementJournal of Marketing, 69
J. Morrison, L. Olfman (1998)
Organizational MemoryProceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1
Peter Dickson (1992)
Toward a General Theory of Competitive RationalityJournal of Marketing, 56
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Martin Schulz, Joel Baum (2017)
B. Borys, David Jemison (1989)
Hybrid Arrangements as Strategic Alliances: Theoretical Issues in Organizational CombinationsAcademy of Management Review, 14
D. McKee (1992)
An organizational learning approach to product innovationJournal of Product Innovation Management, 9
B. Hedberg (1981)
How Organizations Learn and Unlearn
W. Powell, K. Koput, Laurel Smith‐Doerr (1996)
Interorganizational Collaboration and the Locus of Innovation: Networks of Learning in Biotechnology.Administrative Science Quarterly, 41
K. Eisenhardt, Jean Kahwajy, L. Bourgeois (1997)
Conflict and Strategic Choice: How Top Management Teams DisagreeCalifornia Management Review, 39
A. Barker, E. Kaynak (1992)
An Empirical Investigation of the Differences Between Initiating and Continuing ExportersEuropean Journal of Marketing, 26
E. Anderson, Barton Weitz (1992)
The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution ChannelsJournal of Marketing Research, 29
B. Nooteboom, Helge Berger, N. Noorderhaven (1997)
Effects of trust and governance on relational risk.Economic Systems Research
C. Moorman, G. Zaltman, Rohit Deshpandé (1992)
Relationships between Providers and Users of Market Research: The Dynamics of Trust within and between OrganizationsJournal of Marketing Research, 29
A. Zaheer, Bill McEvily, V. Perrone (1998)
Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effectsof Interorganizational and Interpersonaltrust on PerformanceOrganization Science, 9
Our companies exchange information related to changes in market structure
T. Hult, Eric Abrahamson (1998)
Innovation, Market Orientation, and Organizational Learning: An Integration and Empirical ExaminationJournal of Marketing, 62
Ajay Kohli, Bernard Jaworski (1990)
Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial ImplicationsJournal of Marketing, 54
The authors develop a theory of how management can develop and promote the learning capabilities of targeted customer–supplier relationships. The theory suggests that a supplier and a customer can improve their joint learning activities by facilitating information exchange, developing common learning arenas, and updating their behavior accordingly. The authors suggest that learning within a customer–supplier relationship cannot be mandated by either organization, but rather learning depends on both parties’ willingness to cooperate in joint learning activities. Management can promote relationship learning by cultivating a collaborative culture, formulating specific objectives for joint learning activities, and developing relational trust. However, as relational trust develops, the effectiveness of learning is reduced as a result of “hidden costs” of trust. The authors use data from 315 dyads to test the theory empirically, and they find that the learning capability of a relationship has a strong, positive effect on performance. Their results also provide insight into how to address the hidden costs of trust.
Journal of Marketing – SAGE
Published: Jul 1, 2003
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