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On the Reliability of Mail Questionnaires in Product Tests

On the Reliability of Mail Questionnaires in Product Tests 342 THE JOURNAL OF MARKETING Januarv 1957 JOURNAL OF MARKETING. It has been func­ to evaluate the effectiveness of their own ad­ tioning successfully at the College of the vertising.1 and many other universi­ We teachers of advertising must continue City of New York ties (including the University of Miami) for to improve teaching methods in order to several years. mold our students into creative advertising This type of laboratory work gives stu­ men and women, conversant with the latest dents practical experience in product, mar­ techniques, trained to use their imagina­ ket, and media research. It stimulates crea­ tions, but basing their thinking on well­ tive thinking. Copy ideas developed in these founded advertising principles. Our job then will be to convince top classroom campaigns have been adopted occasionally by the company on whose prod­ management that the university graduate uct our undergraduate advertising class who has majored in advertising has a pro­ teams have prepared presentations. fessional understanding of advertising prin­ Companies employing college graduates ciples and skills which he cannot obtain in who have had this type of experience are any other way. As our graduates prove their worth and mount in their profession, cor­ usually Journal of Marketing SAGE

On the Reliability of Mail Questionnaires in Product Tests

Journal of Marketing , Volume 21 (3): 4 – Jan 1, 1957

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© 1957 American Marketing Association
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342 THE JOURNAL OF MARKETING Januarv 1957 JOURNAL OF MARKETING. It has been func­ to evaluate the effectiveness of their own ad­ tioning successfully at the College of the vertising.1 and many other universi­ We teachers of advertising must continue City of New York ties (including the University of Miami) for to improve teaching methods in order to several years. mold our students into creative advertising This type of laboratory work gives stu­ men and women, conversant with the latest dents practical experience in product, mar­ techniques, trained to use their imagina­ ket, and media research. It stimulates crea­ tions, but basing their thinking on well­ tive thinking. Copy ideas developed in these founded advertising principles. Our job then will be to convince top classroom campaigns have been adopted occasionally by the company on whose prod­ management that the university graduate uct our undergraduate advertising class who has majored in advertising has a pro­ teams have prepared presentations. fessional understanding of advertising prin­ Companies employing college graduates ciples and skills which he cannot obtain in who have had this type of experience are any other way. As our graduates prove their worth and mount in their profession, cor­ usually


Journal of MarketingSAGE

Published: Jan 1, 1957

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