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The biopsychology of mood
A semantic atlas of emotional concepts Emotional memory : A dimensional analysis
H. Scholsberg (1941)
A scale for the judgment of facial expressions.Journal of Experimental Psychology, 29
J. Russell, James Carroll (1999)
On the bipolarity of positive and negative affect.Psychological bulletin, 125 1
The psychometrics ofbipolarity
L. Bush (1973)
Individual differences multidemensional scaling of adjectives denoting feelings.Journal of personality and social psychology, 25 1
R. Thayer (1989)
The biopsychology of mood and arousal
D. Green, S. Goldman, P. Salovey (1993)
Measurement error masks bipolarity in affect ratings.Journal of personality and social psychology, 64 6
H. Schlosberg (1954)
Three dimensions of emotion.Psychological review, 61 2
A scale for judgment of facial
Structure of current affect: Integration and beyond
Activation-Deactivation Check List: Current overview and structural analysis
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Variations in the Circumplex Structure of MoodPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21
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Handbook of experimental psychology
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Self-regulation of mood: strategies for changing a bad mood, raising energy, and reducing tension.Journal of personality and social psychology, 67 5
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The motivational organization of emotion: Affect-reflex connections.
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The Origin of Everyday Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress
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Simultaneous Processing Of Multiple Stimulus Dimensions Among Paranoid And Nonparanoid Schizophrenics.Multivariate behavioral research, 11 4
Evidence of convergent validity
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Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Testing the Circumplex Structure of Data in Personality and Social PsychologyPersonality and Social Psychology Review, 1
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Emotion, a psychoevolutionary synthesis
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Evidence of Convergent Validity on the Dimensions of AffectJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36
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A multidimensional scaling analysis of schizophrenics' and normals' perceptions of verbal similarity.Journal of abnormal psychology, 84 5
Pleasure and activation
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Independence and bipolarity in the structure of current affect.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74
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The personality structure of affect.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69
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Emotions : Essays on Emotion Theory
The psychometrics ofbipolarity. Manuscript submitted for publication
R. Thayer (1986)
Activation-Deactivation Adjective Check List: Current Overview and Structural AnalysisPsychological Reports, 58
A semantic atlas of emotional concepts
David Watson (1994)
Basic principles of affective structure
Independence and bipolarity in the structure of affect
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Pleasure and Activation Revisited: Dimensions Underlying Semantic Responses to Fifty Randomly Selected “Emotional” WordsPerceptual and Motor Skills, 53
D. Watson, A. Tellegen (1985)
Toward a consensual structure of mood.Psychological bulletin, 98 2
The origin of everyday moods
J. Russell (1980)
A circumplex model of affect.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39
Circumplex models for correlation matrices Individual differences multidimensional scaling of adjectives denoting feelings
D. Hebb (1955)
Drives and the C.N.S. (conceptual nervous system).Psychological review, 62 4
R. Larsen, E. Diener (1992)
Promises and problems with the circumplex model of emotion.
Michelle Yik, J. Russell, L. Barrett (1999)
Structure of Self-Reported Current Affect: Integration and BeyondJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77
D. Watson, L. Clark (1997)
Measurement and mismeasurement of mood: recurrent and emergent issues.Journal of personality assessment, 68 2
M. Browne (1992)
Circumplex models for correlation matricesPsychometrika, 57
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Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: the PANAS scales.Journal of personality and social psychology, 54 6
Chair), Mood: Consensus and controversy
Structure of current affect: Integration and beyond. Manuscript submitted for publication
D. Watson and L. A. Clark (1997) announced “two fundamental psychometric principles” (p. 282) of affect: The positive correlation between affects with the same valence tends to be substantial, whereas the negative correlation between affects with opposite valence tends to be weak. These allegedly robust empirical generalizations underlie various conceptual models of affect (such as those that posit an independence between positive and negative affect) and various scales of affect. The authors offer an alternative analysis: The correlation between two affects is a function of the angle between them within a circular ordering. Two data sets were reanalyzed and showed predicted exceptions to Watson and Clark's principles: same-valenced pairs with weak correlations and oppositely valenced pairs with substantial correlations.
Review of General Psychology – SAGE
Published: Mar 1, 1999
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