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National Climate Policies: Evolution, Drivers, and Future Prospects

National Climate Policies: Evolution, Drivers, and Future Prospects NAT IONAL C LIMATE P OLICIES: EVO LUTION, DRIVERS, A ND F UTURE P ROSPECTS Guest Editors: Sha rdul Agr awala an d Ste inar An dresen CONTRIBUTORS Shardul Ag rawala is Asso ciate R esearch Sc ientist at t he I nternational R esearch Institute fo r Climate Pred iction (IRI at Co lumbia Uni versity. He h olds u ndergraduate and M asters de grees in en gineering, an d su bsequently re ceived M aster of Pu blic Affairs (MPA an d Ph .D. i n p ublic p olicy f rom Princeton Un iversity. He h as previously wo rked o n cl imate as sessments a t th e Int ergovernmental Pa nel o n Cl imate Change (I PCC , Ha rvard Un iversity, a nd at t he Int ernational In stitute o f Ap plied Systems An alysis (IIASA . His p apers h ave ap peared in j ournals i ncluding Sci ence, Climatic C hange, Gl obal En vironmental C hange, Sc ience T e chnology an d Hu man Values, Gl obal Go vernance, an d M inerals En gineering. H e ha s a lso se rved Energy & Environment SAGE

National Climate Policies: Evolution, Drivers, and Future Prospects

Energy & Environment , Volume 12 (2-3): 1 – Mar 1, 2001

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NAT IONAL C LIMATE P OLICIES: EVO LUTION, DRIVERS, A ND F UTURE P ROSPECTS Guest Editors: Sha rdul Agr awala an d Ste inar An dresen CONTRIBUTORS Shardul Ag rawala is Asso ciate R esearch Sc ientist at t he I nternational R esearch Institute fo r Climate Pred iction (IRI at Co lumbia Uni versity. He h olds u ndergraduate and M asters de grees in en gineering, an d su bsequently re ceived M aster of Pu blic Affairs (MPA an d Ph .D. i n p ublic p olicy f rom Princeton Un iversity. He h as previously wo rked o n cl imate as sessments a t th e Int ergovernmental Pa nel o n Cl imate Change (I PCC , Ha rvard Un iversity, a nd at t he Int ernational In stitute o f Ap plied Systems An alysis (IIASA . His p apers h ave ap peared in j ournals i ncluding Sci ence, Climatic C hange, Gl obal En vironmental C hange, Sc ience T e chnology an d Hu man Values, Gl obal Go vernance, an d M inerals En gineering. H e ha s a lso se rved


Energy & EnvironmentSAGE

Published: Mar 1, 2001

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