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Making Sense of Chaos: Socio-technical Networks, Careers and Entrepreneurs

Making Sense of Chaos: Socio-technical Networks, Careers and Entrepreneurs A number of problems are explored which arise when social network theory, and particularly the concept of structural equivalence, is used to analyze technological change Field studies in two Afncan towns provide empincal illustrations. First, production processes and mechanization are discussed. Network flexibility and mobility within networks are considered next. The article then moves on to strategies available to proprietors of enterprises. Lastly, conceptual problems arising in the discussion are summanzed and related to an analysis of entrepreneurship. The article argues throughout for a network concept based on interrelations between positions and analysis in terms of the structural equivalence of such positions in a number of intersecting 'one-dimensional' networks. Acta Sociologica SAGE

Making Sense of Chaos: Socio-technical Networks, Careers and Entrepreneurs

Acta Sociologica , Volume 37 (4): 17 – Oct 1, 1994

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A number of problems are explored which arise when social network theory, and particularly the concept of structural equivalence, is used to analyze technological change Field studies in two Afncan towns provide empincal illustrations. First, production processes and mechanization are discussed. Network flexibility and mobility within networks are considered next. The article then moves on to strategies available to proprietors of enterprises. Lastly, conceptual problems arising in the discussion are summanzed and related to an analysis of entrepreneurship. The article argues throughout for a network concept based on interrelations between positions and analysis in terms of the structural equivalence of such positions in a number of intersecting 'one-dimensional' networks.


Acta SociologicaSAGE

Published: Oct 1, 1994

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