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INTEGRATING RENEWABLES FOR REMOTE F UEL SYSTEMS Ronny G löck ner; Ø ys tein Ulleberg; Ragne Hildrum; C atherine E . Grég oire Padró Ife Statkraft SF, Norway; NREL, USA [email protected] 1. INTRODUCTION Hydrogen energy systems have been proposed as a means to i ncrease energy independence, improve d omestic economies, and reduce greenhouse gas and other harmful e missions from st ationary and mobile so urces. These systems, however, face technical and economic barriers th at must be overcome before h ydrogen ca n become a competitive energy carrier f or t he 21st century. A wind-H system for a remote location was studied to d etermine the feasibility of p roducing h ydrogen f or transportation a pplications. This ca se study was initiated b y STAT KRAFT S F, Norway’s largest producer o f h ydroelectric po wer and the second largest producer i n the Nordic r egion. T he m odelling w ork w as performed by the Institute f or E nergy Technology ( IFE ). The stu dy has then been undertaken as a case study by the International E nergy A gency Hydrogen Implementing A greement’s Annex 13 Design and Optimization
Energy & Environment – SAGE
Published: Sep 1, 2002
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