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Motivation Research-Magic or Menace?
A. Spector (1961)
Basic Dimensions of the Corporate ImageJournal of Marketing, 25
Where Should Research Start?
Research for Changing Travel patterns: Interpretation and Utilisation, Proceedings of The Travel Research Association, Fourth Annual Conference
United States Department of Commerce, Markel Research of Attitudes of potential Travelers to the U
Symbols by Which We Buy
as a Factor in Tourism Image Development D. HUNT JOHN Introduction consumers. This lack of is understanding image parti- The held visitors about evident states and various vacation perceptions by potential cularly among an area have influences the At least there is of little evidence may significant upon regions. attempts of that as a area tourist-recreation to describe or for that determine if matter, viability region. image, What these customers think about the identifiable do exist in the minds of potential images potential natural and of a travelers. Some are evident in the litera- environment, climate, region people exceptions or which detract from ture. In the United States Travel Service con- 1962, may shape perceptions images or contribute to successful market ducted research in Great Britain, France, development. Although a contain a wide and West Brazil, Venezuela, liexico, region may spectrum high Germany, Italy, Jap- of tourist-recreation a distorted resources, and Australia to determine the attitudes of an, quality poten- from use or detract tial travelers to the United Statcs.I The image may realizing potential study gener- economic described the United States and her citizens as optimum development. ally This article discusses a research which of from each -
Journal of Travel Research – SAGE
Published: Jan 1, 1975
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