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Sensemaking and sensegiving in strategic change initiationSouthern Medical Journal, 12
N. Ellemers, Dick Gilder, S. Haslam (2004)
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Kim Cameron, Jane Dutton, Robert Quinn (2003)
Positive organizational scholarship : foundations of a new discipline
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Blake Ashforth, Glen Kreiner (1999)
How can you do it?: Dirty work and the challenge of constructing a positive identityAcademy of Management Review, 24
Becoming : How does the process of identification unfold ?
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The relationship among salesperson appearance, employee-organization identification, job involvement, and job performance in the context of an apparel retail store
M. Riketta, R. Dick (2005)
Foci of attachment in organizations: A meta-analytic comparison of the strength and correlates of workgroup versus organizational identification and commitmentJournal of Vocational Behavior, 67
Rearticulating organizational identity: Exploring corporate images and employee identification
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Multiple social categorization: Processes, models, and applications
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The dynamics of personal and social identity formation
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The rhetoric of identification and the study of organizational communicationQuarterly Journal of Speech, 69
J. Turner, P. Oakes, S. Haslam, C. McGarty (1994)
Self and Collective: Cognition and Social ContextPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 20
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Social identity theory and the organizationOrganizational Psychology, 2
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Social identity, self as structure and self as process
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Effects of a Downward Status Transition on Perceptions of Career Success, Role Performance and Job Identification
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Social Identity and Social Comparison
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The literature on identification in organizations is surprisingly diverse and large. This article reviews the literature in terms of four fundamental questions. First, under “What is identification?,” it outlines a continuum from narrow to broad formulations and differentiates situated identification from deep identification and organizational identification from organizational commitment. Second, in answer to “Why does identification matter?,” it discusses individual and organizational outcomes as well as several links to mainstream organizational behavior topics. Third, regarding “How does identification occur?,” it describes a process model that involves cycles of sensebreaking and sensegiving, enacting identity and sensemaking, and constructing identity narratives. Finally, under “One or many?,” it discusses team, workgroup, and subunit; relational; occupational and career identifications; and how multiple identifications may conflict, converge, and combine.
Journal of Management – SAGE
Published: Jun 1, 2008
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