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This article aims at analyzing the content and structure of managers'conceptions of negative leadership. Using semi-structured interviews, 42managers were asked about their conceptions of negative leadership, itsantecedents and consequences. Results show that the concept of negativeleadership is associated with eight behavioural categories: insincere, despotic,exploitative, restrictive, failed, laissez-faire, and active- andpassive-avoiding leadership. Negative leadership was causally attributed to theenvironment of the leader, especially the followers, the immediate workingfield, as well as organizational processes, structures, and resources were seenas potential sources for negative leadership. The main factors regarded as itsconsequences included negative follower feelings and attitudes, destructivefollower behaviour, and devastating organizational results. An analysis of therelationship between the leadership categories revealed two underlyingdimensions of human- versus task-orientation and passive versus activebehaviour. Limitations of the present approach, implications for future researchand organizational practice are discussed.
Leadership – SAGE
Published: Feb 1, 2009
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