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Evaluating the College Transition Needs of Individuals With High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

Evaluating the College Transition Needs of Individuals With High-Functioning Autism Spectrum... Increased attention has been given recently to the needs of students with learning and developmental disabilities who are transitioning from high school to college. This is especially important for students with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD), who are likely to experience significant and unique challenges in adjusting to postsecondary educational settings. After an overview of diagnostic criteria, symptom presentation, and treatment approaches for high-functioning students with ASD, this article discusses the type of difficulties students may encounter across various domains, including socialization, communication, independent daily living skills, academic functioning, and self-advocacy. The article concludes with recommendations for areas to be evaluated and addressed when determining the supports students with high-functioning ASD need to succeed in meeting the organizational, academic, and social demands of college life. Intervention in School and Clinic SAGE

Evaluating the College Transition Needs of Individuals With High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

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Increased attention has been given recently to the needs of students with learning and developmental disabilities who are transitioning from high school to college. This is especially important for students with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD), who are likely to experience significant and unique challenges in adjusting to postsecondary educational settings. After an overview of diagnostic criteria, symptom presentation, and treatment approaches for high-functioning students with ASD, this article discusses the type of difficulties students may encounter across various domains, including socialization, communication, independent daily living skills, academic functioning, and self-advocacy. The article concludes with recommendations for areas to be evaluated and addressed when determining the supports students with high-functioning ASD need to succeed in meeting the organizational, academic, and social demands of college life.


Intervention in School and ClinicSAGE

Published: May 1, 2007

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