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Energy at the Crossroads

Energy at the Crossroads A response to the PIU Energy R eview and t he joint de partmental e nergy po licy consultation publ ished i n M ay 2 002. Briefing prepa red by T he I nstitution of C hemical E ngineers f or Mr . B rian Wilson M P, Mi nister o f S tate fo r En ergy & Indu stry INTRODUCTION The UK Government i s se eking co mments o n t he j oint d epartmental co nsultation Energy P olicy – Ke y Issu es f or C onsultation paper published in M ay 2 002. Th e purpose of this exercise is to receive feedback on the earlier Energy Review published by th e Pe rformance a nd Inn ovation U nit (PIU i n Feb ruary 2 002 an d t o p rovide observations that wi ll inform the drafting o f an Energy White Pa per due l ater this year. The In stitution o f C hemical E ngineers (IC hemE wi shes to s ubmit c omments on t he content o f t he two d ocuments. In pa rticular, we d raw a ttention t o Energy & Environment SAGE

Energy at the Crossroads

Energy & Environment , Volume 14 (2-3): 19 – May 1, 2003

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© 2003 SAGE Publications
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A response to the PIU Energy R eview and t he joint de partmental e nergy po licy consultation publ ished i n M ay 2 002. Briefing prepa red by T he I nstitution of C hemical E ngineers f or Mr . B rian Wilson M P, Mi nister o f S tate fo r En ergy & Indu stry INTRODUCTION The UK Government i s se eking co mments o n t he j oint d epartmental co nsultation Energy P olicy – Ke y Issu es f or C onsultation paper published in M ay 2 002. Th e purpose of this exercise is to receive feedback on the earlier Energy Review published by th e Pe rformance a nd Inn ovation U nit (PIU i n Feb ruary 2 002 an d t o p rovide observations that wi ll inform the drafting o f an Energy White Pa per due l ater this year. The In stitution o f C hemical E ngineers (IC hemE wi shes to s ubmit c omments on t he content o f t he two d ocuments. In pa rticular, we d raw a ttention t o


Energy & EnvironmentSAGE

Published: May 1, 2003

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