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Paper presented by Pedro Miguel de Sampaio Nunes -Director, Conventional Energies 6. Paper presented by Pedro Miguel de Sampaio Nunes -Director
Chevron Texaco Worldwide Power and Gasification
General Electric Power Systems, USA -Paper presented at Gasification 4, Noordwijk
USA -Paper presented at Gasification 5, Noordwijk
General Electric Power Systems, USA – Paper presented at Gasification
Eltra's Chairman: Wind power has produced an acute need for new thinking" 4. Address to the Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies
Overview of the Global Climate Change Issue Relative to Gasification
SFA Pacific, USA – Paper presented at Gasification 5, Noordwijk, April 2002. “Overview of the Global Climate Change Issue Relative to Gasification
Eltra Fjordvejen 1-11, Eltra magasinet, May 2001.“Eltra’s Chairman: Wind power has produced an acute need for new thinking
A response to the PIU Energy R eview and t he joint de partmental e nergy po licy consultation publ ished i n M ay 2 002. Briefing prepa red by T he I nstitution of C hemical E ngineers f or Mr . B rian Wilson M P, Mi nister o f S tate fo r En ergy & Indu stry INTRODUCTION The UK Government i s se eking co mments o n t he j oint d epartmental co nsultation Energy P olicy – Ke y Issu es f or C onsultation paper published in M ay 2 002. Th e purpose of this exercise is to receive feedback on the earlier Energy Review published by th e Pe rformance a nd Inn ovation U nit (PIU i n Feb ruary 2 002 an d t o p rovide observations that wi ll inform the drafting o f an Energy White Pa per due l ater this year. The In stitution o f C hemical E ngineers (IC hemE wi shes to s ubmit c omments on t he content o f t he two d ocuments. In pa rticular, we d raw a ttention t o
Energy & Environment – SAGE
Published: May 1, 2003
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