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After our l ast e xcursion i nto t he so mewhat d iscouraging fu ture fo r c lean co al technology, t his i ssue b egins wi th en gineers an d e conomists l ooking a t th e b roader issues fac ing en ergy stra tegy i n t he UK and Eu rope. Here dangerous a nthropogenic global warming remains a major, politically given, determinant. However – should the continent’s e nergy po licy b e b ased al most e xclusively o n e missions? Th is i ssue challenges t he c ommitment t o ‘ d ecarbonisation’ fro m the p erspectives b oth o f t he social an d n atural sci ences. W hat wo uld h appen to po licy i f t hese ‘ u nderpinnings’ were shown to b e fl awed? The UK Institution o f C hemical En gineers (IChemE) i n a b riefing p aper t o th e U K government h ere p ublished i n f ull, wh ile a ccepting th e g lobal wa rming t hreat, IChemE expresses d eep co ncern a
Energy & Environment – SAGE
Published: May 1, 2003
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