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Democratizing Teacher Education

Democratizing Teacher Education In this article, the authors argue that teacher education needs to make a fundamental shift in whose knowledge and expertise counts in the education of new teachers. Using tools afforded by cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) and deliberative democracy theory, they argue that by recasting who is considered an expert, and rethinking how teacher candidates and university faculty cross institutional boundaries to collaborate with communities and schools, teacher education programs can better interrogate their challenges and invent new solutions to prepare the teachers our students need. Drawing on examples from joint-work among universities, schools, and communities in a variety of teacher education programs, they highlight the possibilities and complexities in pursuing more democratic work in teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education: The Journal of Policy, Practice, and Research in Teacher Education SAGE

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© 2014 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
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In this article, the authors argue that teacher education needs to make a fundamental shift in whose knowledge and expertise counts in the education of new teachers. Using tools afforded by cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) and deliberative democracy theory, they argue that by recasting who is considered an expert, and rethinking how teacher candidates and university faculty cross institutional boundaries to collaborate with communities and schools, teacher education programs can better interrogate their challenges and invent new solutions to prepare the teachers our students need. Drawing on examples from joint-work among universities, schools, and communities in a variety of teacher education programs, they highlight the possibilities and complexities in pursuing more democratic work in teacher education.


Journal of Teacher Education: The Journal of Policy, Practice, and Research in Teacher EducationSAGE

Published: Mar 1, 2015

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