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05 ISB 050513 (to/d) 18/2/05 1:05 pm Page 211 Book Reviews International Small Business Journal Copyright © 2005 SAGE Publications (London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi) is [DOI: 10.1177/0266242605050513] Vol 23(2): 211–221 Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch (eds) Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, International Handbook Series on Entrepreneurship, 2003. 560 pp. ISBN 1–4020–7358–5, £102.50 (hbk). This book is the latest in a growing volume of texts whose aim is to document the ‘state of the art’ in entrepreneurship. The fact that the field can support so many books of this genre is just one indicator of its vibrancy. This book, which pitches in at over 500 pages, is substantial in both quantity and quality. It comprises 19 chapters. The authors include many of the ‘usual suspects’ – in other words, the stalwarts in the field – but also some less familiar names (at least to this reviewer). The chapters are grouped into eight sections, each of which is helpfully prefaced by a brief editorial introduction. The first section – headed ‘An Introduction to Entrepreneurship’ – comprises an editorial overview and a chapter by Arnold Cooper (the weakest
International Small Business Journal – SAGE
Published: Apr 1, 2005
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