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776516 FBRXXX10.1177/0894486518776516Family Business ReviewDyer research-article2018 Article Family Business Review 2018, Vol. 31(2) 240 –248 © The Author(s) 2018 Are Family Firms Really Better? Reprints and permissions: Reexamining “Examining the ‘Family DOI: 10.1177/0894486518776516 Effect’ on Firm Performance” W. Gibb Dyer Keywords family studies, family dynamics, firm performance, agency theory, resource-based view, SEW perspective As I have thought about why I wrote my article, ideas by interacting with our like-minded academic col- “Examining the ‘Family Effect’ on Firm Performance” leagues rather than formulating research questions by (Dyer, 2006) and its impact on the field of family busi- gathering data from, and listening to, those who we pur- ness, my thoughts turned to how I got interested in port to study.) After Dick’s clients arrived in Boston in studying family firms in the first place. At my career the spring of 1982, I spent 3 days listening to issues and stage, I am more convinced than ever that we can only problems that I never encountered in my MBA program, truly understand the present by understanding the past. whose training was focused primarily on large, public My interest in family business began shortly after I corporations. entered MIT as
Family Business Review – SAGE
Published: Jun 1, 2018
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