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RFDT: A Rotation Forest-based Predictor for Predicting Drug-Target Interactions Using Drug Structure and Protein Sequence Information.

RFDT: A Rotation Forest-based Predictor for Predicting Drug-Target Interactions Using Drug... Identification of interaction between drugs and target proteins plays an important role in discovering new drug candidates. However, through the experimental method to identify the drug-target interactions remain to be extremely time-consuming, expensive and challenging even nowadays. Therefore, it is urgent to develop new computational methods to predict potential drugtarget interactions (DTI). Current protein & peptide science Pubmed

RFDT: A Rotation Forest-based Predictor for Predicting Drug-Target Interactions Using Drug Structure and Protein Sequence Information.

Current protein & peptide science , Volume 19 (5): 10 – Mar 12, 2019

RFDT: A Rotation Forest-based Predictor for Predicting Drug-Target Interactions Using Drug Structure and Protein Sequence Information.


Identification of interaction between drugs and target proteins plays an important role in discovering new drug candidates. However, through the experimental method to identify the drug-target interactions remain to be extremely time-consuming, expensive and challenging even nowadays. Therefore, it is urgent to develop new computational methods to predict potential drugtarget interactions (DTI).

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Identification of interaction between drugs and target proteins plays an important role in discovering new drug candidates. However, through the experimental method to identify the drug-target interactions remain to be extremely time-consuming, expensive and challenging even nowadays. Therefore, it is urgent to develop new computational methods to predict potential drugtarget interactions (DTI).


Current protein & peptide sciencePubmed

Published: Mar 12, 2019

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