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Making a Difference: the implications for nurse education.

Making a Difference: the implications for nurse education. Nurse education has seen some fundamental changes over recent years, from Project 2000 to the current policy documents Making a Difference (DoH, 1999) and Fitness for Practice (UKCC, 1999). This article discusses their influence on the development of nurse education and the resulting curriculum changes. The importance of mentorship and the deployment of practice educators to oversee and support both mentors and students is also examined. Nursing times Pubmed

Making a Difference: the implications for nurse education.

Nursing times , Volume 98 (20): 3 – Sep 23, 2002

Making a Difference: the implications for nurse education.


Nurse education has seen some fundamental changes over recent years, from Project 2000 to the current policy documents Making a Difference (DoH, 1999) and Fitness for Practice (UKCC, 1999). This article discusses their influence on the development of nurse education and the resulting curriculum changes. The importance of mentorship and the deployment of practice educators to oversee and support both mentors and students is also examined.

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Nurse education has seen some fundamental changes over recent years, from Project 2000 to the current policy documents Making a Difference (DoH, 1999) and Fitness for Practice (UKCC, 1999). This article discusses their influence on the development of nurse education and the resulting curriculum changes. The importance of mentorship and the deployment of practice educators to oversee and support both mentors and students is also examined.


Nursing timesPubmed

Published: Sep 23, 2002

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