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Long-term psychotropic drug-taking and the process of withdrawal.

Long-term psychotropic drug-taking and the process of withdrawal. <jats:title>Synopsis</jats:title><jats:p>Perceived efficacy and reliance on psychotropic drugs is explored in a sample of mainly long-term consumers. A comparison of past and present users elucidates some of the factors involved in prolonged usage and the experiences of those who withdraw from the medication.</jats:p> Psychological medicine Pubmed

Long-term psychotropic drug-taking and the process of withdrawal.

Psychological medicine , Volume 11 (4): -844 – Mar 13, 1982

Long-term psychotropic drug-taking and the process of withdrawal.


<jats:title>Synopsis</jats:title><jats:p>Perceived efficacy and reliance on psychotropic drugs is explored in a sample of mainly long-term consumers. A comparison of past and present users elucidates some of the factors involved in prolonged usage and the experiences of those who withdraw from the medication.</jats:p>

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<jats:title>Synopsis</jats:title><jats:p>Perceived efficacy and reliance on psychotropic drugs is explored in a sample of mainly long-term consumers. A comparison of past and present users elucidates some of the factors involved in prolonged usage and the experiences of those who withdraw from the medication.</jats:p>


Psychological medicinePubmed

Published: Mar 13, 1982

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