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Information sources and their use by parents of children with ophthalmic disorders.

Information sources and their use by parents of children with ophthalmic disorders. Parents' input is critical to clinical management in pediatric ophthalmology. The importance of providing parents with appropriate information to enable them to participate effectively is recognized. However, little is known about the range of sources parents use to learn about their child's ophthalmic condition, which sources they find most useful, and how this relates to their understanding. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science Pubmed

Information sources and their use by parents of children with ophthalmic disorders.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science , Volume 44 (6): -2396 – Jun 12, 2003

Information sources and their use by parents of children with ophthalmic disorders.


Parents' input is critical to clinical management in pediatric ophthalmology. The importance of providing parents with appropriate information to enable them to participate effectively is recognized. However, little is known about the range of sources parents use to learn about their child's ophthalmic condition, which sources they find most useful, and how this relates to their understanding.

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Parents' input is critical to clinical management in pediatric ophthalmology. The importance of providing parents with appropriate information to enable them to participate effectively is recognized. However, little is known about the range of sources parents use to learn about their child's ophthalmic condition, which sources they find most useful, and how this relates to their understanding.


Investigative ophthalmology & visual sciencePubmed

Published: Jun 12, 2003

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