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Crystal structure and hydrogen-bonding system in cellulose Ibeta from synchrotron X-ray and neutron fiber diffraction.

Crystal structure and hydrogen-bonding system in cellulose Ibeta from synchrotron X-ray and... The crystal and molecular structure together with the hydrogen-bonding system in cellulose Ibeta has been determined using synchrotron and neutron diffraction data recorded from oriented fibrous samples prepared by aligning cellulose microcrystals from tunicin. These samples diffracted both synchrotron X-rays and neutrons to better than 1A resolution (>300 unique reflections; P2(1)). The X-ray data were used to determine the C and O atom positions. The resulting structure consisted of two parallel chains having slightly different conformations and organized in sheets packed in a "parallel-up" fashion, with all hydroxymethyl groups adopting the tg conformation. The positions of hydrogen atoms involved in hydrogen-bonding were determined from a Fourier-difference analysis using neutron diffraction data collected from hydrogenated and deuterated samples. The hydrogen atoms involved in the intramolecular O3...O5 hydrogen bonds have well-defined positions, whereas those corresponding to O2 and O6 covered a wider volume, indicative of multiple geometry with partial occupation. The observation of this disorder substantiates a recent infrared analysis and indicates that, despite their high crystallinity, crystals of cellulose Ibeta have an inherent disorganization of the intermolecular H-bond network that maintains the cellulose chains in sheets. Journal of the American Chemical Society Pubmed

Crystal structure and hydrogen-bonding system in cellulose Ibeta from synchrotron X-ray and neutron fiber diffraction.

Journal of the American Chemical Society , Volume 124 (31): -8991 – Sep 12, 2002

Crystal structure and hydrogen-bonding system in cellulose Ibeta from synchrotron X-ray and neutron fiber diffraction.


The crystal and molecular structure together with the hydrogen-bonding system in cellulose Ibeta has been determined using synchrotron and neutron diffraction data recorded from oriented fibrous samples prepared by aligning cellulose microcrystals from tunicin. These samples diffracted both synchrotron X-rays and neutrons to better than 1A resolution (>300 unique reflections; P2(1)). The X-ray data were used to determine the C and O atom positions. The resulting structure consisted of two parallel chains having slightly different conformations and organized in sheets packed in a "parallel-up" fashion, with all hydroxymethyl groups adopting the tg conformation. The positions of hydrogen atoms involved in hydrogen-bonding were determined from a Fourier-difference analysis using neutron diffraction data collected from hydrogenated and deuterated samples. The hydrogen atoms involved in the intramolecular O3...O5 hydrogen bonds have well-defined positions, whereas those corresponding to O2 and O6 covered a wider volume, indicative of multiple geometry with partial occupation. The observation of this disorder substantiates a recent infrared analysis and indicates that, despite their high crystallinity, crystals of cellulose Ibeta have an inherent disorganization of the intermolecular H-bond network that maintains the cellulose chains in sheets.

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The crystal and molecular structure together with the hydrogen-bonding system in cellulose Ibeta has been determined using synchrotron and neutron diffraction data recorded from oriented fibrous samples prepared by aligning cellulose microcrystals from tunicin. These samples diffracted both synchrotron X-rays and neutrons to better than 1A resolution (>300 unique reflections; P2(1)). The X-ray data were used to determine the C and O atom positions. The resulting structure consisted of two parallel chains having slightly different conformations and organized in sheets packed in a "parallel-up" fashion, with all hydroxymethyl groups adopting the tg conformation. The positions of hydrogen atoms involved in hydrogen-bonding were determined from a Fourier-difference analysis using neutron diffraction data collected from hydrogenated and deuterated samples. The hydrogen atoms involved in the intramolecular O3...O5 hydrogen bonds have well-defined positions, whereas those corresponding to O2 and O6 covered a wider volume, indicative of multiple geometry with partial occupation. The observation of this disorder substantiates a recent infrared analysis and indicates that, despite their high crystallinity, crystals of cellulose Ibeta have an inherent disorganization of the intermolecular H-bond network that maintains the cellulose chains in sheets.


Journal of the American Chemical SocietyPubmed

Published: Sep 12, 2002

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