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S. Dinani, Wendy Goodman, C. Swift, T. Treasure (2010)
Providing forensic community services for people with learning disabilitiesJournal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 1
Carl Benton, A. Roy (2008)
The first three years of a community forensic service for people with a learning disabilityThe British Journal of Forensic Practice, 10
G. Dickens, M. Picchioni, C. Long (2013)
Aggression in specialist secure and forensic inpatient mental health care: incidence across care pathwaysThe Journal of Forensic Practice, 15
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What’s wrong with Bonferroni’s adjustment
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The clinical, forensic and treatment outcome factors of patients with autism spectrum disorder treated in a forensic intellectual disability service.Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID, 28 3
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A mixed-methods study exploring the characteristics and needs of long stay patients in high and medium secure settings in England: implications for service organisationHealth Services and Delivery Research, 5
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VöllmB, EdworthyR, HolleyJ, TalbotE, MajidS, DugganC, A mixed-methods study exploring the characteristics and needs of long-stay patients in high and medium secure settings in England: implications for service organisation. Health Serv Deliv Res 2017; 5: 1–8 (öllmB, EdworthyR, HolleyJ, TalbotE, MajidS, DugganC, A mixed-methods study exploring the characteristics and needs of long-stay patients in high and medium secure settings in England: implications for service organisation. Health Serv Deliv Res 2017; 5: 1–8 (, VöllmB, EdworthyR, HolleyJ, TalbotE, MajidS, DugganC, A mixed-methods study exploring the characteristics and needs of long-stay patients in high and medium secure settings in England: implications for service organisation. Health Serv Deliv Res 2017; 5: 1–8 (
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“Why can’t they be in the community?” A policy and practice analysis of transforming care for offenders with intellectual disabilityAdvances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 9
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MorrisseyC, GeachN, AlexanderR, ChesterV, DevapriamJ, DugganC, Researching outcomes from forensic services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities: a systematic review, evidence synthesis and expert and patient/carer consultation. Health Serv Deliv Res 2017; 5: 1–6 (, GeachN, AlexanderR, ChesterV, DevapriamJ, DugganC, Researching outcomes from forensic services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities: a systematic review, evidence synthesis and expert and patient/carer consultation. Health Serv Deliv Res 2017; 5: 1–6 (, MorrisseyC, GeachN, AlexanderR, ChesterV, DevapriamJ, DugganC, Researching outcomes from forensic services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities: a systematic review, evidence synthesis and expert and patient/carer consultation. Health Serv Deliv Res 2017; 5: 1–6 (
C. Morrissey, P. Langdon, Nicole Geach, V. Chester, M. Ferriter, W. Lindsay, J. McCarthy, J. Devapriam, D. Walker, C. Duggan, R. Alexander (2017)
A systematic review and synthesis of outcome domains for use within forensic services for people with intellectual disabilities†BJPsych Open, 3
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V. Chester, A. Brown, J. Devapriam, Sharon Axby, Claire Hargreaves, R. Shankar (2017)
Discharging inpatients with intellectual disability from secure to community services: risk assessment and management considerationsAdvances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 11
Suzanne Fitzgerald, N. Gray, R. Alexander, Ruth Bagshaw, P. Chesterman, Phillip Huckle, Susan Jones, John Taylor, Tegwyn Williams, R. Snowden (2013)
Predicting institutional violence in offenders with intellectual disabilities: the predictive efficacy of the VRAG and the HCR-20.Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID, 26 5
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Transforming Care: A National Response to Winterbourne View Hospital. Department of Health
(EsanF, ChesterV, GunaratnaIJ, HoareS, AlexanderRT. The clinical, forensic and treatment outcome factors of patients with autism spectrum disorder treated in a forensic intellectual disability service. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil 2015; 28: 193–200.25379816)
EsanF, ChesterV, GunaratnaIJ, HoareS, AlexanderRT. The clinical, forensic and treatment outcome factors of patients with autism spectrum disorder treated in a forensic intellectual disability service. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil 2015; 28: 193–200.25379816EsanF, ChesterV, GunaratnaIJ, HoareS, AlexanderRT. The clinical, forensic and treatment outcome factors of patients with autism spectrum disorder treated in a forensic intellectual disability service. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil 2015; 28: 193–200.25379816, EsanF, ChesterV, GunaratnaIJ, HoareS, AlexanderRT. The clinical, forensic and treatment outcome factors of patients with autism spectrum disorder treated in a forensic intellectual disability service. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil 2015; 28: 193–200.25379816
L. O’Shea, L. O’Shea, M. Picchioni, M. Picchioni, J. McCarthy, F. Mason, G. Dickens, G. Dickens (2015)
Predictive validity of the HCR-20 for inpatient aggression: the effect of intellectual disability on accuracy.Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR, 59 11
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Department of Health. Transforming Care: A National Response to Winterbourne View Hospital. Department of Health, 2012.Department of Health. Transforming Care: A National Response to Winterbourne View Hospital. Department of Health, 2012., Department of Health. Transforming Care: A National Response to Winterbourne View Hospital. Department of Health, 2012.
(DinaniS, GoodmanW, SwiftC, TreasureT. Providing forensic community services for people with learning disabilities. J Learn Disabil Offending Behav 2010; 1: 58–63.)
DinaniS, GoodmanW, SwiftC, TreasureT. Providing forensic community services for people with learning disabilities. J Learn Disabil Offending Behav 2010; 1: 58–63.DinaniS, GoodmanW, SwiftC, TreasureT. Providing forensic community services for people with learning disabilities. J Learn Disabil Offending Behav 2010; 1: 58–63., DinaniS, GoodmanW, SwiftC, TreasureT. Providing forensic community services for people with learning disabilities. J Learn Disabil Offending Behav 2010; 1: 58–63.
(ChesterV, BrownAS, DevapriamJ, AxbyS, HargreavesC, ShankarR. Discharging inpatients with intellectual disability from secure to community services: risk assessment and management considerations. Adv Ment Heal Intellect Disabil 2017; 11: 98–109.)
ChesterV, BrownAS, DevapriamJ, AxbyS, HargreavesC, ShankarR. Discharging inpatients with intellectual disability from secure to community services: risk assessment and management considerations. Adv Ment Heal Intellect Disabil 2017; 11: 98–109.ChesterV, BrownAS, DevapriamJ, AxbyS, HargreavesC, ShankarR. Discharging inpatients with intellectual disability from secure to community services: risk assessment and management considerations. Adv Ment Heal Intellect Disabil 2017; 11: 98–109., ChesterV, BrownAS, DevapriamJ, AxbyS, HargreavesC, ShankarR. Discharging inpatients with intellectual disability from secure to community services: risk assessment and management considerations. Adv Ment Heal Intellect Disabil 2017; 11: 98–109.
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DickensG, PicchioniM, LongC. Aggression in specialist secure and forensic inpatient mental health care: incidence across care pathways. J Forensic Pract 2013; 15: 206–17.DickensG, PicchioniM, LongC. Aggression in specialist secure and forensic inpatient mental health care: incidence across care pathways. J Forensic Pract 2013; 15: 206–17., DickensG, PicchioniM, LongC. Aggression in specialist secure and forensic inpatient mental health care: incidence across care pathways. J Forensic Pract 2013; 15: 206–17.
(TalbotJ. No one knows: offenders with learning disabilities and learning difficulties. Int J Prison Health 2009; 5: 141–52.25757420)
TalbotJ. No one knows: offenders with learning disabilities and learning difficulties. Int J Prison Health 2009; 5: 141–52.25757420TalbotJ. No one knows: offenders with learning disabilities and learning difficulties. Int J Prison Health 2009; 5: 141–52.25757420, TalbotJ. No one knows: offenders with learning disabilities and learning difficulties. Int J Prison Health 2009; 5: 141–52.25757420
J. Devapriam, R. Alexander (2012)
Tiered model of learning disability forensic service provisionJournal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 3
BackgroundIn recent years, concerns have been raised that too many patients stay for too long in forensic psychiatric services and that this is a particular problem in those with an intellectual disability.AimsTo compare the characteristics, needs, and care pathways of long-stay patients with and without intellectual disability within forensic psychiatric hospital settings in England.MethodFile reviews and questionnaires were completed for all long-stay patients in high secure and a representative sample of those in medium secure settings in England. Between-group analyses comparing patients with and without intellectual disability are reported.ResultsOf the 401 long-stay patients, the intellectual disability and non-intellectual disability groups were strikingly similar on many sociodemographic, clinical and forensic variables. The intellectual disability group had significantly lower lengths of stay, fewer criminal sections, restriction orders and prison transfers, and higher levels of behavioural incidents and risk assessment scores.ConclusionsIn spite of similar offence histories and higher risk levels, those with intellectual disability appear to be diverted away from the criminal justice system and have shorter lengths of stay. This has implications about the applicability of the Transforming Care programme to this group.
BJPsych Open – Pubmed Central
Published: Jun 28, 2018
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