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Water Resources: Agriculture, the Environment, and Society

Water Resources: Agriculture, the Environment, and Society Water Resources: Agriculture, the Environment, and Society An assessment of the status of water resources David Pimente!, James Houser, Erika Preiss, Omar White, Hope Fang, Leslie Mesnick, Troy Barsky, Stephanie Tariche, Jerrod Schreck, and Sharon Alpert a t ee is a renewahle re­ Hydrologie cycle. The earrh's atmos­ phere contains approximarely 1.3 x SOUTee, but its availabiliry New water supplies Iikely 1013 m' of water and is the souree of is variable and limired. all of the rain that falls on Earth. Nearly every country in the world will result from Each year, approximately 151,000 experiences water shortages during lS certain times of the year (Gleick quads (1 quad = 10 BTU) of solar conservation, recycling, 1993a), and more rhan 80 countries energy disrills and moves 5 x 10 m" reuse, and improved now suffer from serious water short­ of water frorn the earth's surfaee ages [Falkenmark and Lindh 1993). into the atmosphere-86% from water use efficiency Factors such as rainfall, ternpera­ oceans and 14 % from land (Posrel 1985). This is approximate!y 400 ture, evaporation, and runoff deter­ rather than from large times the total amount of fossil en­ mine water availability. Clean wa­ ergy 1320 quads) burnedeaeh BioScience Oxford University Press

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Oxford University Press
© 1997 American Institute of Biological Sciences
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Water Resources: Agriculture, the Environment, and Society An assessment of the status of water resources David Pimente!, James Houser, Erika Preiss, Omar White, Hope Fang, Leslie Mesnick, Troy Barsky, Stephanie Tariche, Jerrod Schreck, and Sharon Alpert a t ee is a renewahle re­ Hydrologie cycle. The earrh's atmos­ phere contains approximarely 1.3 x SOUTee, but its availabiliry New water supplies Iikely 1013 m' of water and is the souree of is variable and limired. all of the rain that falls on Earth. Nearly every country in the world will result from Each year, approximately 151,000 experiences water shortages during lS certain times of the year (Gleick quads (1 quad = 10 BTU) of solar conservation, recycling, 1993a), and more rhan 80 countries energy disrills and moves 5 x 10 m" reuse, and improved now suffer from serious water short­ of water frorn the earth's surfaee ages [Falkenmark and Lindh 1993). into the atmosphere-86% from water use efficiency Factors such as rainfall, ternpera­ oceans and 14 % from land (Posrel 1985). This is approximate!y 400 ture, evaporation, and runoff deter­ rather than from large times the total amount of fossil en­ mine water availability. Clean wa­ ergy 1320 quads) burnedeaeh


BioScienceOxford University Press

Published: Feb 1, 1997

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