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Health and Lifestyle Survey

Health and Lifestyle Survey 340 BOOK REVIEWS a year ago. Lifson et al.'s account of the are not sure what to in they appeared the Marseilles classification, put epidemiology is historically interesting although it lacks all its place. No hepatology is included, apart from a sound the recent data from Africa which is beginning to explain chapter on variceal haemorrhage. The accounts of gut in females. There is also nothing of ischaemia and irritable bowel syndrome are outstanding. the epidemic are well and substance about the different viruses found in humans and Enteral and parenteral nutrition covered, in monkeys in Africa. Dr Pinching describes the spectrum of there is a good chapter on gastrointestinal disease HIV infection and adds a 'cri de coeur' on how the children by Nelson. epidemic should be contained. Surprisingly he does not The market for gastroenterology textbooks is now very discuss AIDS is not a statutorily notifiable disease; to crowded, but Diseases of the Gut and Pancreas should find why my mind a central issue which seems to have been an important niche. All the major topics in gastro- There are some useful and are well discussed. The standard of writing is forgotten. very chapters enterology on clinical Postgraduate Medical Journal Oxford University Press

Health and Lifestyle Survey

Postgraduate Medical Journal , Volume 64 (750): 2 – Apr 1, 1988

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© The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1988
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340 BOOK REVIEWS a year ago. Lifson et al.'s account of the are not sure what to in they appeared the Marseilles classification, put epidemiology is historically interesting although it lacks all its place. No hepatology is included, apart from a sound the recent data from Africa which is beginning to explain chapter on variceal haemorrhage. The accounts of gut in females. There is also nothing of ischaemia and irritable bowel syndrome are outstanding. the epidemic are well and substance about the different viruses found in humans and Enteral and parenteral nutrition covered, in monkeys in Africa. Dr Pinching describes the spectrum of there is a good chapter on gastrointestinal disease HIV infection and adds a 'cri de coeur' on how the children by Nelson. epidemic should be contained. Surprisingly he does not The market for gastroenterology textbooks is now very discuss AIDS is not a statutorily notifiable disease; to crowded, but Diseases of the Gut and Pancreas should find why my mind a central issue which seems to have been an important niche. All the major topics in gastro- There are some useful and are well discussed. The standard of writing is forgotten. very chapters enterology on clinical


Postgraduate Medical JournalOxford University Press

Published: Apr 1, 1988

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