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Finance-dominated capitalism and re-distribution of income: a Kaleckian perspective

Finance-dominated capitalism and re-distribution of income: a Kaleckian perspective In this article a major channel through which financialisation or finance-dominated capitalism affects macroeconomic performance is examined: the distribution channel. Empirical data for the following dimensions of (re-)distribution in the period of finance-dominated capitalism since the early 1980s is provided for 15 advanced capitalist economies: functional distribution, personal/household distribution and the share and the composition of top incomes. Based on the Kaleckian approach to the determination of income shares, the effects of financialisation on functional income distribution are studied in more detail. Some stylised facts of financialisation are integrated into the Kaleckian approach, and by means of reviewing empirical and econometric literature it is found that financialisation and neoliberalism have contributed to the falling labour income share since the early 1980s through three main Kaleckian channels: 1) a shift in the sectoral composition of the economy, 2) an increase in management salaries and rising profit claims of the rentiers and thus in overheads, and 3) weakened trade union bargaining power. Cambridge Journal of Economics Oxford University Press

Finance-dominated capitalism and re-distribution of income: a Kaleckian perspective

Cambridge Journal of Economics , Volume 39 (3) – May 9, 2015

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© The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Cambridge Political Economy Society. All rights reserved.
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In this article a major channel through which financialisation or finance-dominated capitalism affects macroeconomic performance is examined: the distribution channel. Empirical data for the following dimensions of (re-)distribution in the period of finance-dominated capitalism since the early 1980s is provided for 15 advanced capitalist economies: functional distribution, personal/household distribution and the share and the composition of top incomes. Based on the Kaleckian approach to the determination of income shares, the effects of financialisation on functional income distribution are studied in more detail. Some stylised facts of financialisation are integrated into the Kaleckian approach, and by means of reviewing empirical and econometric literature it is found that financialisation and neoliberalism have contributed to the falling labour income share since the early 1980s through three main Kaleckian channels: 1) a shift in the sectoral composition of the economy, 2) an increase in management salaries and rising profit claims of the rentiers and thus in overheads, and 3) weakened trade union bargaining power.


Cambridge Journal of EconomicsOxford University Press

Published: May 9, 2015

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