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Efficacy of Acaritouch Against Twospotted Spider Mite on Lima Beans, 2018

Efficacy of Acaritouch Against Twospotted Spider Mite on Lima Beans, 2018 Downloaded from by guest on 16 October 2019 applyparastyle "fig//caption/p[1]" parastyle "FigCapt" applyparastyle "fig" parastyle "Figure" Arthropod Management Tests, 44(1), 2019, 1–2 doi: 10.1093/amt/tsz073 Section E: Vegetable Crops LIMA BEAN: Phaseolus lunatus L. ‘Henderson Bush’ Efficacy of Acaritouch Against Twospotted Spider Mite on HeadA=HeadB=HeadA=HeadB/HeadA Lima Beans, 2018 HeadB=HeadC=HeadB=HeadC/HeadB 1,3 2 HeadC=HeadD=HeadC=HeadD/HeadC Rebecca A. Schmidt-Jeffris and John Coffey Extract3=HeadA=Extract1=HeadA USDA-ARS, Temperate Tree Fruit and Vegetable Research Unit, 5230 Konnowac Pass Road, Wapato, WA 98951, Phone: (509) History=Text=History=Text_First 454-6556, Fax: (509) 454-5646 ([email protected]), Clemson University, Coastal Research and Education Center, 2700 Savannah Highway, Charleston, SC 29414, Phone: 843-402-5399 ([email protected]), and Corresponding author, e-mail: EDI_HeadA=EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadA=EDI_HeadB/HeadA [email protected] EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadC/HeadB Subject Editor: Vonny Barlow EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadD=EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadD/HeadC EDI_Extract3=EDI_HeadA=EDI_Extract1=EDI_HeadA Bean | Phaseolus spp. ERR_HeadA=ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadA=ERR_HeadB/HeadA Twospotted spider mite (TSSM) | Tetranychus urticae Koch ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadC/HeadB ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadD=ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadD/HeadC The objective of this test was to determine the efficacy of Acaritouch At 3 DAT, there were no significant differences between the for control of TSSM on lima bean, either alone or in combination numbers of eggs or motiles in any of the treatments (Table 1). ERR_Extract3=ERR_HeadA=ERR_Extract1=ERR_HeadA with Portal XLO and applied one or two times. The experiments However, both treatments containing Portal had numerically were conducted in a propagation room in Charleston, SC. Lima bean fewer motile TSSM than the other three treatments. At 7 DAT, var. ‘Henderson Bush’ were grown in pots in a greenhouse, with 15 the numbers of eggs and motiles in the two treatments containing seeds sown in each pot on 3 Sep 2018. The pots were moved into Portal were significantly lower than in the other treatments a propagation room 15 d after seeding and spaced evenly apart to and statistically similar to each other (Table 1). At 10 DAT, the prevent them from touching. Plants were infested with TSSM 15 d Acaritouch 2× was the only treatment with egg numbers that after seeding by placing three infested lima bean leaves taken from did not significantly differ from the check. Numerically, the egg a laboratory colony on plants within each pot. The colony was es- numbers in this treatment were much lower than those in the tablished on lima bean in Apr 2018 from TSSM collected from a check, but variability within treatments was high. Acaritouch 2× commercial strawberry field in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Movement of the was also statistically similar to Portal alone and Acaritouch 1× mites onto the new plants occurred for 4 d, and then pots were at this time point. The three best treatments for egg reduction, sorted into replicates by level of visible damage. The experiment which did not statistically differ, were Portal alone, Acaritouch was RCBD, with each replicate consisting of a single pot. There were 1×, and Portal+Acaritouch. For motiles, Acaritouch 1× did not five replicates, for a total of 25 pots (5 treatments × 5 replicates). differ from the check. Acaritouch 2× was intermediate, and Treatments were water check, Portal (industry standard), Acaritouch Portal and Portal+Acaritouch were the best treatments. At 14 sprayed once, Portal + Acaritouch, and Acaritouch sprayed twice. DAT, there were no statistical differences among treatments in All plants from a treatment were grouped together and sprayed out- either egg or motile counts (Table 1). Egg counts substantially doors with 100 ml (to dripping) of the appropriate pesticide solution decreased at this time point compared with previous evaluations, or water using a spray bottle. Solutions were mixed according to the likely because of the reduced quality of the plants due to mite surface area of the pot. All treatments except the water check were feeding. Differences in motiles were marginally nonsignificant, mixed with Induce at 0.25% v/v. The second spray of Acaritouch with numerically fewer motiles in the Portal, Acaritouch 1×, and occurred 3 d after the first. After residues dried, plants were placed Portal+Acaritouch treatments. In general, adding Acaritouch to back into the propagation room. Portal did not increase efficacy over Portal alone. Acaritouch TSSM eggs and motiles were counted at 3, 7, 10, and 14 DAT alone, when applied twice, may be slightly more effective than by removing three leaves at random per plant and counting mites the water check. under a dissecting microscope. All DAT time points refer to the first This research was supported in part by industry gifts of pesticide and application. Data were analyzed using a generalized linear mixed research funding. Mention of trade names or commercial products model in SAS (PROC GLIMMIX), specifying a negative binomial in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific in- distribution for count data. Replicate was treated as a random effect. formation and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by Treatments were compared using least-squared means at P < 0.05. the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2019. This work is 1 written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US. This Open Access article contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0 ( doc/open-government-licence/version/2/). Downloaded from by guest on 16 October 2019 2 Arthropod Management T ests, 2019, Vol. XX, No. XX Table 1. 3 DAT 7 DAT 10 DAT 14 DAT Treatment/formulation Rate Eggs Motiles Eggs Motiles Eggs Motiles Eggs Motiles Water check – 214a 131a 464a 234a 279a 312a 19a 432a Portal XLO 32 fl oz/acre 205a 85a 25b 44b 30bc 51c 23a 127a Acaritouch 1× 25 fl oz/100 gal 301a 134a 479a 358a 76bc 292a 9a 178a Portal XLO + Acaritouch 32 fl oz/acre + 25 fl oz/100 gal 215a 48a 16b 35b 21c 47c 15a 106a Acaritouch 2× 25 fl oz/100 gal 360a 141a 557a 350a 97ab 182b 22a 341a F 1.61 2.61 25.73 20.51 5.64 32.96 0.27 2.51 4, 16 P 0.22 0.08 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.90 0.08 Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different; P > 0.05. Arthropod Management Tests Oxford University Press

Efficacy of Acaritouch Against Twospotted Spider Mite on Lima Beans, 2018

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Oxford University Press
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2019. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
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Downloaded from by guest on 16 October 2019 applyparastyle "fig//caption/p[1]" parastyle "FigCapt" applyparastyle "fig" parastyle "Figure" Arthropod Management Tests, 44(1), 2019, 1–2 doi: 10.1093/amt/tsz073 Section E: Vegetable Crops LIMA BEAN: Phaseolus lunatus L. ‘Henderson Bush’ Efficacy of Acaritouch Against Twospotted Spider Mite on HeadA=HeadB=HeadA=HeadB/HeadA Lima Beans, 2018 HeadB=HeadC=HeadB=HeadC/HeadB 1,3 2 HeadC=HeadD=HeadC=HeadD/HeadC Rebecca A. Schmidt-Jeffris and John Coffey Extract3=HeadA=Extract1=HeadA USDA-ARS, Temperate Tree Fruit and Vegetable Research Unit, 5230 Konnowac Pass Road, Wapato, WA 98951, Phone: (509) History=Text=History=Text_First 454-6556, Fax: (509) 454-5646 ([email protected]), Clemson University, Coastal Research and Education Center, 2700 Savannah Highway, Charleston, SC 29414, Phone: 843-402-5399 ([email protected]), and Corresponding author, e-mail: EDI_HeadA=EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadA=EDI_HeadB/HeadA [email protected] EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadC/HeadB Subject Editor: Vonny Barlow EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadD=EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadD/HeadC EDI_Extract3=EDI_HeadA=EDI_Extract1=EDI_HeadA Bean | Phaseolus spp. ERR_HeadA=ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadA=ERR_HeadB/HeadA Twospotted spider mite (TSSM) | Tetranychus urticae Koch ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadC/HeadB ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadD=ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadD/HeadC The objective of this test was to determine the efficacy of Acaritouch At 3 DAT, there were no significant differences between the for control of TSSM on lima bean, either alone or in combination numbers of eggs or motiles in any of the treatments (Table 1). ERR_Extract3=ERR_HeadA=ERR_Extract1=ERR_HeadA with Portal XLO and applied one or two times. The experiments However, both treatments containing Portal had numerically were conducted in a propagation room in Charleston, SC. Lima bean fewer motile TSSM than the other three treatments. At 7 DAT, var. ‘Henderson Bush’ were grown in pots in a greenhouse, with 15 the numbers of eggs and motiles in the two treatments containing seeds sown in each pot on 3 Sep 2018. The pots were moved into Portal were significantly lower than in the other treatments a propagation room 15 d after seeding and spaced evenly apart to and statistically similar to each other (Table 1). At 10 DAT, the prevent them from touching. Plants were infested with TSSM 15 d Acaritouch 2× was the only treatment with egg numbers that after seeding by placing three infested lima bean leaves taken from did not significantly differ from the check. Numerically, the egg a laboratory colony on plants within each pot. The colony was es- numbers in this treatment were much lower than those in the tablished on lima bean in Apr 2018 from TSSM collected from a check, but variability within treatments was high. Acaritouch 2× commercial strawberry field in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Movement of the was also statistically similar to Portal alone and Acaritouch 1× mites onto the new plants occurred for 4 d, and then pots were at this time point. The three best treatments for egg reduction, sorted into replicates by level of visible damage. The experiment which did not statistically differ, were Portal alone, Acaritouch was RCBD, with each replicate consisting of a single pot. There were 1×, and Portal+Acaritouch. For motiles, Acaritouch 1× did not five replicates, for a total of 25 pots (5 treatments × 5 replicates). differ from the check. Acaritouch 2× was intermediate, and Treatments were water check, Portal (industry standard), Acaritouch Portal and Portal+Acaritouch were the best treatments. At 14 sprayed once, Portal + Acaritouch, and Acaritouch sprayed twice. DAT, there were no statistical differences among treatments in All plants from a treatment were grouped together and sprayed out- either egg or motile counts (Table 1). Egg counts substantially doors with 100 ml (to dripping) of the appropriate pesticide solution decreased at this time point compared with previous evaluations, or water using a spray bottle. Solutions were mixed according to the likely because of the reduced quality of the plants due to mite surface area of the pot. All treatments except the water check were feeding. Differences in motiles were marginally nonsignificant, mixed with Induce at 0.25% v/v. The second spray of Acaritouch with numerically fewer motiles in the Portal, Acaritouch 1×, and occurred 3 d after the first. After residues dried, plants were placed Portal+Acaritouch treatments. In general, adding Acaritouch to back into the propagation room. Portal did not increase efficacy over Portal alone. Acaritouch TSSM eggs and motiles were counted at 3, 7, 10, and 14 DAT alone, when applied twice, may be slightly more effective than by removing three leaves at random per plant and counting mites the water check. under a dissecting microscope. All DAT time points refer to the first This research was supported in part by industry gifts of pesticide and application. Data were analyzed using a generalized linear mixed research funding. Mention of trade names or commercial products model in SAS (PROC GLIMMIX), specifying a negative binomial in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific in- distribution for count data. Replicate was treated as a random effect. formation and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by Treatments were compared using least-squared means at P < 0.05. the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2019. This work is 1 written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US. This Open Access article contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0 ( doc/open-government-licence/version/2/). Downloaded from by guest on 16 October 2019 2 Arthropod Management T ests, 2019, Vol. XX, No. XX Table 1. 3 DAT 7 DAT 10 DAT 14 DAT Treatment/formulation Rate Eggs Motiles Eggs Motiles Eggs Motiles Eggs Motiles Water check – 214a 131a 464a 234a 279a 312a 19a 432a Portal XLO 32 fl oz/acre 205a 85a 25b 44b 30bc 51c 23a 127a Acaritouch 1× 25 fl oz/100 gal 301a 134a 479a 358a 76bc 292a 9a 178a Portal XLO + Acaritouch 32 fl oz/acre + 25 fl oz/100 gal 215a 48a 16b 35b 21c 47c 15a 106a Acaritouch 2× 25 fl oz/100 gal 360a 141a 557a 350a 97ab 182b 22a 341a F 1.61 2.61 25.73 20.51 5.64 32.96 0.27 2.51 4, 16 P 0.22 0.08 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.90 0.08 Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different; P > 0.05.


Arthropod Management TestsOxford University Press

Published: Jan 1, 2019

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