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Downloaded from by Ed 'DeepDyve' Gillespie user on 16 October 2019 applyparastyle "fig//caption/p[1]" parastyle "FigCapt" applyparastyle "fig" parastyle "Figure" Arthropod Management Tests, 44(1), 2019, 1–2 doi: 10.1093/amt/tsz052 Section F: Field & Cereal Crops SORGHUM: Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, ‘Pioneer brand 83P17’ HeadA=HeadB=HeadA=HeadB/HeadA At-Planting and Insecticide Seed Treatments For Control HeadB=HeadC=HeadB=HeadC/HeadB of Lesser Cornstalk Borer on Grain Sorghum, 2012 HeadC=HeadD=HeadC=HeadD/HeadC 1,3 2 Extract3=HeadA=Extract1=HeadA G. David Buntin and John N. All History=Text=History=Text_First University of Georgia – Griffin Campus, 1109 Experiment Street, Griffin, GA 30223, Phone: (770) 412-4713, Fax: (770) 228-7287 EDI_HeadA=EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadA=EDI_HeadB/HeadA 2 ([email protected]), Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, Phone: (706) 542-7888 ([email protected]), and Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadB=EDI_HeadC/HeadB EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadD=EDI_HeadC=EDI_HeadD/HeadC Subject Editor: Clyde Sorenson EDI_Extract3=EDI_HeadA=EDI_Extract1=EDI_HeadA Sorghum (broom, durra, Guinea corn, jowar) | Sorghum bicolor ERR_HeadA=ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadA=ERR_HeadB/HeadA Lesser Cornstalk borer (LCSB) | Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller) ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadB=ERR_HeadC/HeadB ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadD=ERR_HeadC=ERR_HeadD/HeadC Lesser cornstalk borer (LCSB) is a seedling pest of sorghum and can LCSB reduced plant stands and cause extensive seedling ERR_Extract3=ERR_HeadA=ERR_Extract1=ERR_HeadA cause severe plant injury and stand loss under hot, dry conditions damage in both trials. No other insect pest was present at dam- with conventional tillage. Two trials evaluating soil-applied and aging levels and sugarcane aphid was not present in 2012. In Trial seed-applied insecticides were conducted at the University of Georgia 1, plant stands were significantly different among treatments, but Southeast Research and Education Center (32.8750, −82.2146) stands with insecticide treatments usually were not different when located near Midville, GA. Sorghum was planted in Trial 1 on 10 Jul compared with base fungicide only treatment (Table 1). Seed treat- and Trial 2 on 11 Sep. Each trial was arranged in an RCB design with ment with clothianidin (NipsIt Inside, Poncho 600) alone or with 5 replications. Plots were 2 rows by 20 ft long. Seed was planted with Lorsban 15G, Lorsban 4E or Karate Z had greater plant numbers a 2-row cone planter in 36 inch rows at the rate of 100,000 seeds than the bare seed check at 23 DAP. Plant numbers in Cruiser 5FS per acre. Seed treatments were applied to seed by the manufacturer treatments at 23 DAP were not greater than the bare seed check and and included a base fungicide seed treatment from each manufac- in most comparisons had fewer plants than the clothianidin seed turer. All seed was treated with Concep III for use of Dual Magnum treatments. The clothianidin treatments alone or with Lorsban 15G, (S-metolachlor) herbicide (Syngenta Crop Protection, Greensboro, Lorsban 4E, and Karate Z also had a lower percentage of damaged NC) at planting. Lorsban 15G treatments were applied at planting plants than the comparable base fungicide or bare seed treatments. as a 7-inch band and lightly incorporated. Liquid insecticides were Cruiser 5FS treatments had similar percentages of damaged plants applied immediately after planting of seed as a broadcast spray using as the base fungicide and bare seed treatments. The only treatment a CO -powered backpack sprayer using TeeJet 8002 flat-fan nozzles that yielded more than the bare seed treatment in Trial 1 was the applying 25 gpa at 40 psi. Stand counts and number of damaged (dead NipsIt Inside treatment. No other treatment yielded significantly and dying with dead-heart symptoms) plants were measured in the more than the bare seed treatment, including the other treatments entire plot at 15 and 23 days after planting (DAP) in Trial 1 and at with clothianidin on the seed. In Trial 2, LSCB borer infestation 14 DAP in Trial 2. Untreated plants in border rows were inspected to was severe with almost 90% of plants with damage in the bare seed confirm damage was by LCSB. Yield of Trial 1 was measured by hand check (Table 2). All insecticide seed treatments and Lorsban 15G harvesting all viable panicles in a 10-ft section of row and threshing without a seed treatment had greater plant numbers than the bare panicles with a small bundle thresher. Grain weight, test weight, seed check and the Bayer and Valent base fungicide treatments. The and moisture content were measured and grain yield calculated and percent of damaged plants was large in all treatments. All three seed adjusted to 14% moisture content. Grain yield was not measured in treatments and NipsIt Inside + Lorsban 15G treatment had signif- Trial 2. In Trial 1, rainfall total of 2.34 inch fell on days 2–4 after icantly fewer damaged plants than the bare seed check. The seed planting with no additional rainfall before the second stand count and treatments with clothianidin (Poncho 600, NipsIt Inside) reduced rating. In Trial 2, 0.84 inch of rain fell from planting to 14 DAP. Data seedling damage by LSCB. Cruiser 5FS seed treatments were not ef- were analyzed using generalized linear mixed model analyses (PROC fective in Trial 1 but did partly reduce damage in Trial 2. However, MIXED, SAS Institute 2008) with treatment modeled as a fixed ef- at the severe level of damage in these trials, no treatment was highly fect and replication modeled as a random effect. Percentage data effective in preventing LCSB seedling damage. No phytotoxicity were arcsine-square root transformed before analysis. When analyses was observed. suggested differences among treatments (α = 0.05), treatments were separated using the LS means separated PLM option in SAS. This research was supported in part by industry gifts. © The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. 1 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected] Downloaded from by Ed 'DeepDyve' Gillespie user on 16 October 2019 2 Arthropod Management T ests, 2019, Vol. 44, No. 1 Table 1. Trial 1 Rate Total plants per 40 ft row Damaged plants (%) Grain yield Treatment/formulation Amt/cwt or acre bu/acre 15 DAP 23 DAP 15 DAP 23 DAP (24 Jul) (2 Aug) (24 Jul) (2 Aug) Untreated bare seed – 151.2bcd 135.6de 38.1bc 46.0ab 35.3bc Bayer base fungicide treatment – 165.8abc 155.4ab 34.8bc 47.4ab 37.4bc Poncho 600 + Bayer fungicides 6.4 fl oz/cwt 167.8ab 159.6a 12.9d 29.5de 42.4ab Valent base fungicide treatment – 145.4cd 138.8cd 49.1ab 52.7a 25.8c NipsIt Inside + Valent fungicides 6.4 fl oz/cwt 169.4ab 149.8a-d 13.0d 25.4e 51.8a Syngenta base fungicide treatment – 147.2cd 121.2e 50.3a 38.2bcd 30.8bc Cruiser 5FS + Syngenta fungicides 5.1 fl oz/cwt 139.6d 135.0de 43.3abc 47.7ab 26.7c Valent base fungicides + Lorsban 15G as a band 3.4 lb/acre 149.2cd 140.0bcd 35.9c 44.9ab 35.5bc NipsIt Inside + Lorsban 15G as a band 6.4 fl oz/cwt 171.0ab 159.4a 10.4d 31.7cde 44.1ab 3.4 lb/acre NipsIt Inside + Lorsban 4E - broadcast spray 6.4 fl oz/cwt 170.2ab 152.6abc 12.3d 31.9cde 38.7abc 3.4 lb/acre NipsIt Inside + Karate Z (2.08) – broadcast spray 6.4 fl oz/cwt 175.6a 164.8a 13.9d 37.5b-e 42.4ab 1.92 fl oz/acre Cruiser 5FS + Karate Z (2.08) – broadcast spray 5.1 fl oz/cwt 156.0bcd 135.6de 33.1c 41.8abc 34.4bc 1.92 fl oz/acre P > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0030 0.0004 0.0269 CV 7.93 8.66 28.04 24.21 29.8 Column LS means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (PROC MIXED, protected T-groupings, α = 0.05). cwt = 100 lb of seed. 0.5 lb AI per acre. 0.03 lb AI per acre. Table 2. Trial 2 Rate Total plants per 40 ft row Damaged plants (%) Treatment/formulation Amt/cwt or acre Untreated bare seed – 84.8e 88.7a Bayer base fungicide treatment – 90.2de 83.2ab Bayer fungicides + Poncho 600 6.4 fl oz/cwt 144.8ab 66.4bcd Valent base fungicide treatment – 80.0e 79.4ab NipsIt Inside + Valent fungicides 6.4 fl oz/cwt 132.8abc 57.6cd Syngenta base fungicide treatment – 117.0bcd 76.7abc Cruiser 5FS + Syngenta fungicides 5.1 fl oz/cwt 131.6abc 53.2d Valent base fungicides + Lorsban 15G as a band 3.4 lb/acre 107.4cde 76.5abc NipsIt Inside + Lorsban 15G as a band 6.4 fl oz/cwt 153.4a 70.6bcd 3.4 lb/acre NipsIt Inside + Lorsban 4E – broadcast spray 6.4 fl oz/cwt 137.6ab 75.1abc 3.4 lb/acre NipsIt Inside + Karate Z (2.08) – broadcast spray 6.4 fl oz/cwt 138.4ab 73.0abcd 1.92 fl oz/acre Cruiser 5FS + Karate Z (2.08) – broadcast spray 5.1 fl oz/cwt 127.2abc 79.2abc 1.92 fl oz/acre P > F 0.0001 0.0351 CV 19.38 21.05 Column LS means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (PROC MIXED, protected T-groupings, α = 0.05). cwt = 100 lb of seed. 0.5 lb AI per acre. 0.03 lb AI per acre.
Arthropod Management Tests – Oxford University Press
Published: Jan 1, 2019
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