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The Measurement of Fatigue in Depression

The Measurement of Fatigue in Depression Letter to the Editor Received: November 28, 2005 Psychopathology 2007;40:133–134 Accepted aftrer revision: February 13, 2006 DOI: 10.1159/000098494 Published online: January 11, 2007 Panayotis P. Ferentinos Vassilis P. Kontaxakis Beata J. Havaki-Kontaxaki Konstantinos G. Paplos Constantin R. Soldatos Department of Psychiatry, University of Athens, Eginition Hospital, Athens , Greece Fatigue is a frequent, albeit non-specif- instruments such as the Medical Out- struments have been used to measure fa- ic symptom encountered in various clini- comes Study Short-Form 36 (SF-36), the tigue in depressed patients in only a small cal settings. It is considered as a core symp- General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), the number of studies. FSS is the one most of- tom of major depression and the main re- Symptom Distress Check list (SCL-90) and ten used. However, there is a lack of spe- sidual symptom persisting after treatment the Profile of Mood States (POMS). cific fatigue measures standardised for pa- interventions [1, 2] . Although fatigue is Specific fatigue instruments were used tients with major depression. difficult to define and conceptualise, vari- in only 10 studies to assess fatigue in pa- ous self-report fatigue measures have been tients with major depression [3–12] a nd in used to assess Psychopathology Karger

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© 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel
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Letter to the Editor Received: November 28, 2005 Psychopathology 2007;40:133–134 Accepted aftrer revision: February 13, 2006 DOI: 10.1159/000098494 Published online: January 11, 2007 Panayotis P. Ferentinos Vassilis P. Kontaxakis Beata J. Havaki-Kontaxaki Konstantinos G. Paplos Constantin R. Soldatos Department of Psychiatry, University of Athens, Eginition Hospital, Athens , Greece Fatigue is a frequent, albeit non-specif- instruments such as the Medical Out- struments have been used to measure fa- ic symptom encountered in various clini- comes Study Short-Form 36 (SF-36), the tigue in depressed patients in only a small cal settings. It is considered as a core symp- General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), the number of studies. FSS is the one most of- tom of major depression and the main re- Symptom Distress Check list (SCL-90) and ten used. However, there is a lack of spe- sidual symptom persisting after treatment the Profile of Mood States (POMS). cific fatigue measures standardised for pa- interventions [1, 2] . Although fatigue is Specific fatigue instruments were used tients with major depression. difficult to define and conceptualise, vari- in only 10 studies to assess fatigue in pa- ous self-report fatigue measures have been tients with major depression [3–12] a nd in used to assess



Published: Feb 1, 2007

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