S-s-U- Phenotype in South African Negroes
Hoekstra, Anneke; Albert, A.P.; Newell, G.A.I.; Moores, Phyllis
2017-01-01 00:00:00
A Negro woman of the Xhosa tribe of Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Capewas found to be S-s-U- with anti-U in her serum. She had two S-s-U- children, and herhusband, father and other children all had single doses of S or s antigen. Three furtherS-s-U- Negroes were found in a random sample of 1,000 Negro antenatal patients atPort Elizabeth.
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A Negro woman of the Xhosa tribe of Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Capewas found to be S-s-U- with anti-U in her serum. She had two S-s-U- children, and herhusband, father and other children all had single doses of S or s antigen. Three furtherS-s-U- Negroes were found in a random sample of 1,000 Negro antenatal patients atPort Elizabeth.
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