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Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., F.I.A.C.: 60 Years Young

Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., F.I.A.C.: 60 Years Young T RIBUTE Acta Cytologica Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., F.I.A.C. 60 Years Young Based on his scientific interests in DNA cytome- try in gynecology and the practical aspects of qual- ity assurance in cytology, Hilgarth was appointed associate professor (1976) and then full professor (1980). His early reports on the false negative rate in cytology aroused wide interest and controversy. It also formed the basis of quality control measures initiated by the medical regulatory agencies in Ger- many 10 years later. Further studies emphasized the significance of colposcopy to optimize early cancer detection. Dr. Hilgarth became a member of the Interna- tional Academy of Cytology (IAC) in 1975; in 1981 he took the international board examination for fel- lowship. In 1989 he was appointed Secretary of the IAC; that position he still holds. From 1983 until 1992 Dr. Hilgarth was president of the German Branch of the Society for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. In 1995 he was elected president of the German Society of Cytology; that position he will hold until 1997. Manuel Hilgarth’s personal goal has always been Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., F.I.A.C. the integration of all available methods to ensure the highest standard of care for women with cervi- On June 18, 1996, Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., secretary cal disease. He was, and still is, instrumental on a of the International Academy of Cytology since regional, national and international level in uniting 1989, observes his 60th birthday. pathologists and gynecologists to develop the sci- Dr. Hilgarth was born in 1936 in Iasi, Rumania. In entific background for a sensible application of di- the aftermath of World War II he had to move with agnostic cytology. He is the organizer of the well- his mother to West Germany; his father had not re- established International Tutorial for Diagnosis and turned from the war. He went to medical school at Therapy of Early Cervical Neoplasia in Freiburg, the University of Freiburg, Vienna, and graduated sponsored by the IAC. The 11th tutorial has just in 1961. His interests soon turned to clinical mor- been successfully completed (spring 1996). phology, in particular colposcopy and cytology. In Manuel Hilgarth’s interest in the arts, in particu- 1967 he joined the Department of Obstetrics and lar music, is well known. He is a lover of opera and Gynecology, University of Freiburg. One year later, has seen performances in most of the famous opera in 1968, he became director of the cytology labora- houses worldwide. Insiders also know of his own tory as the successor of Dieter Wagner. Under the vocal abilities, which he restricts to a small circle of chairmanship of Dr. Hillemanns, a dysplasia clinic friends on special occasions. was established and run jointly by Hillemanns and Best wishes to Manuel Hilgarth, and many happy Hilgarth. They both had recognized the necessity to returns! closely integrate all available techniques — i.e., cy- tology, colposcopy and histology — to obtain opti- Nikolaus Freudenberg, M.D., M.I.A.C. mal results in the treatment of preneoplastic lesions Volker Schneider, M.D., F.I.A.C. of the uterine cervix. 0001-5547/96/4003-0605/$02.00/0 © The International Academy of Cytology Acta Cytologica 605 Acta Cytologica Karger

Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., F.I.A.C.: 60 Years Young

Acta Cytologica , Volume 40 (3): 1 – Jan 1, 2011

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© 1996 S. Karger AG, Basel
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T RIBUTE Acta Cytologica Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., F.I.A.C. 60 Years Young Based on his scientific interests in DNA cytome- try in gynecology and the practical aspects of qual- ity assurance in cytology, Hilgarth was appointed associate professor (1976) and then full professor (1980). His early reports on the false negative rate in cytology aroused wide interest and controversy. It also formed the basis of quality control measures initiated by the medical regulatory agencies in Ger- many 10 years later. Further studies emphasized the significance of colposcopy to optimize early cancer detection. Dr. Hilgarth became a member of the Interna- tional Academy of Cytology (IAC) in 1975; in 1981 he took the international board examination for fel- lowship. In 1989 he was appointed Secretary of the IAC; that position he still holds. From 1983 until 1992 Dr. Hilgarth was president of the German Branch of the Society for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. In 1995 he was elected president of the German Society of Cytology; that position he will hold until 1997. Manuel Hilgarth’s personal goal has always been Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., F.I.A.C. the integration of all available methods to ensure the highest standard of care for women with cervi- On June 18, 1996, Manuel Hilgarth, M.D., secretary cal disease. He was, and still is, instrumental on a of the International Academy of Cytology since regional, national and international level in uniting 1989, observes his 60th birthday. pathologists and gynecologists to develop the sci- Dr. Hilgarth was born in 1936 in Iasi, Rumania. In entific background for a sensible application of di- the aftermath of World War II he had to move with agnostic cytology. He is the organizer of the well- his mother to West Germany; his father had not re- established International Tutorial for Diagnosis and turned from the war. He went to medical school at Therapy of Early Cervical Neoplasia in Freiburg, the University of Freiburg, Vienna, and graduated sponsored by the IAC. The 11th tutorial has just in 1961. His interests soon turned to clinical mor- been successfully completed (spring 1996). phology, in particular colposcopy and cytology. In Manuel Hilgarth’s interest in the arts, in particu- 1967 he joined the Department of Obstetrics and lar music, is well known. He is a lover of opera and Gynecology, University of Freiburg. One year later, has seen performances in most of the famous opera in 1968, he became director of the cytology labora- houses worldwide. Insiders also know of his own tory as the successor of Dieter Wagner. Under the vocal abilities, which he restricts to a small circle of chairmanship of Dr. Hillemanns, a dysplasia clinic friends on special occasions. was established and run jointly by Hillemanns and Best wishes to Manuel Hilgarth, and many happy Hilgarth. They both had recognized the necessity to returns! closely integrate all available techniques — i.e., cy- tology, colposcopy and histology — to obtain opti- Nikolaus Freudenberg, M.D., M.I.A.C. mal results in the treatment of preneoplastic lesions Volker Schneider, M.D., F.I.A.C. of the uterine cervix. 0001-5547/96/4003-0605/$02.00/0 © The International Academy of Cytology Acta Cytologica 605


Acta CytologicaKarger

Published: Jan 1, 2011

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