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Letters to the Editors

Letters to the Editors Acta Cytologica A quick examination of the arithmetic of the cy- A Perspective on Modern tologic smear calls this assumption into question. There are roughly 50 million smears performed in Quality Control Methods the United States per year. With a national preva- lence rate of 2% of low grade squamous intraep- ithelial lesions (LSIL) or greater (LSIL+) detected To the Editors: through cytology, this means there are roughly 1 We read with great interest the articles by Kamin- million LSIL+ smears per year. Assuming a screen- 6-8 sky et al in a recent issue of Acta Cytologica. We ing false negative rate of 10%, 100,000 women per believe that using the techniques of modern quality year have LSIL+ lesions that are not detected on management, as outlined by Kaminsky, will be of smears due to screening error. At $5,000 per patient, great benefit to the cytology community. However, this would mean a national expenditure for treating we do take issue with a conclusion in Kaminsky’s and litigating false negatives of $5,0002 100,000 = analysis in which double screening is shown to be $500 million per year! At a $20 retail price for the more cost-effective than single technologist screen- Acta Cytologica Karger

Letters to the Editors

Acta Cytologica , Volume 40 (4): 18 – Jan 1, 2011

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Acta Cytologica A quick examination of the arithmetic of the cy- A Perspective on Modern tologic smear calls this assumption into question. There are roughly 50 million smears performed in Quality Control Methods the United States per year. With a national preva- lence rate of 2% of low grade squamous intraep- ithelial lesions (LSIL) or greater (LSIL+) detected To the Editors: through cytology, this means there are roughly 1 We read with great interest the articles by Kamin- million LSIL+ smears per year. Assuming a screen- 6-8 sky et al in a recent issue of Acta Cytologica. We ing false negative rate of 10%, 100,000 women per believe that using the techniques of modern quality year have LSIL+ lesions that are not detected on management, as outlined by Kaminsky, will be of smears due to screening error. At $5,000 per patient, great benefit to the cytology community. However, this would mean a national expenditure for treating we do take issue with a conclusion in Kaminsky’s and litigating false negatives of $5,0002 100,000 = analysis in which double screening is shown to be $500 million per year! At a $20 retail price for the more cost-effective than single technologist screen-


Acta CytologicaKarger

Published: Jan 1, 2011

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